Sunday, October 10, 2010


We are a family that loves our animals and Sandra, in this picture, is coaching the dogs to get into the bath on the truck.  Susan, has come to wash the dogs and Randy and I and dad are standing by watching the fun.
Over the years we have had all sorts of pets big and small.  We do not have any animals right now and we are content to feed the neighbors dog and welcome a visit from the cat next door.

I am hoping for a better day today.  I have had a rash of shingles that are extremely itchy break out on my back.  I think that was why I was feeling so chilled.  Fortunately I have some pills from when I had it before which stops the spread and eases the discomfort.

I had poor judgement yesterday when I kept dad waiting and worrying at Zellers.  I thought I had time to walk down and over to the bank and still be there to meet him in time.  It took longer than I thought and was very upsetting for dear old dad!

Dad is trying to tape a program on a disk for a friend and now the T.V. does not work.  Very frustrating.

Today is a new day with new possibilities.  We will go to church and enjoy the music, the teaching and our friends. 

I am continuing to read the history of religion and finding it helpful to my understanding of the Bible.  There came a time when tilling the fields became a ritual that replaced the hunt and this is the setting for the story of Cain and Abel.  Change is not easy especially when we are sure that we know what God wants. We see the power of jealousy so strong it destroys.  This theme is carried out in many of our modern novels even today.

We want to be free of our negative emotions and experience healing that lifts us and frees us momentarily beyond ourselves.  Today we are more aware of the need for our interior world to feel the powerful presence of holiness; but this is not an easy thing to accomplish.  We may have moments of awe and wonder but most of the time we are more aware of our own humanness.

Yesterday as I was walking I met a lady covered in black with only two little eyes showing.  Usually I just kinda look away but I decided to smile and say hello.  She not only said hello but asked and how are you in the kindest voice.  I do not know if she chooses to dress this way or if it is a religious obligation or if it is of her own free will or forced upon her. 

As long as we are unwilling to learn from one another and see a person as a wife and mother, sister or daughter just like me; we continue to breed fear and anxiety.


Anonymous said...

Did you see the DR about your back?

beth bennett said...

No need to as I have the pills that stop the itching and burning and stop the spreading. Catching it right at the start is the answer.

I have talked to my friends who have also had shingles come back and they are very helpful.

I am better already and that is a lot to be thankful for eh!

Loved the bath time with Matthew and Jasmine. It is so amazing we can share these good times.

Looking forward to seeing you on skype today.
Love mom