Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This is the first butterfly to come and rest in the tree in my butterfly garden.  Actually I saw it put out for garbage day.  I can hardly wait for the real ones to come and grace my butterfly garden; and I do not even doubt that they will.

I have already seen three lady bugs, although it could have been the same one.  I am happy lady bugs like my garden as they are good for it.

Yes, some days seem to be busy.  I had a visit with my neighbor who keeps busy going back and forth to New Westminister.  She was planting some flowers a very poitive sign.

Today we start setting up for the garage sale.  It is one way we reach out to the neighborhood as they love to give us their "good" junk.  I take stuff and always bring home something to.  I am working at the book place again but they put us out front which last year was a very cold place.  Dad and I will go over and help but with his sore feet it is hard for him.

I started reading dad's Kindle because he downloaded a Christian book. " Things you do not have to Believe and still be a Christian".  I did not doubt that dad would get it working although it was a long progress.  So Christians can be doubters in fact the book says that "doubt is not an enemy of faith but a part of authentic Christianity."  I am wondering if I should have doubted more.  I do not blame God for the mess this world is in, so I do not think of Him as taking young children or teen-agers or parents away to fulfill some strange purpose or because they are needed in heaven. 

God does and can bring good out of tragedy but He does not cause them.

Yes butterflies will come because Sandra planted plants that attract them.
 All I have to do is wait patiently and keep my eyes open.


Anonymous said...

if you build it they will come.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ken is talking about readers for your Blog, or butterflies for your garden? Anyway, I'll probably butterfly into your Blog a little more often now that school is over.


Anonymous said...

Why does the statement "all that is required for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing" or something along those lines not apply to God? I mean, how can you give him the credit for all the good, and then no blame for the bad seeing how he above all others has the means to do good. If you have a mother who keeps a clean house and bakes cookies and sings her kids to sleep but then she turns a blind eye to her husband sexually abusing or beating his kids is she such a great mom just because she does some nice things?
Oh, and nice butterfly mom. : )
Love Sandra

beth bennett said...

It is funny that is not what I was saying. I do not blame God for evil nor do I expect my life to be one good thing after another.

One thing I am trying to learn is that you cannot change another person.

I know I need forgivness and I need the guidance of the good spirit which exists all around us.
Thanks for making me think,

love mom