Friday, April 1, 2011


It is good to walk in the silence of the park.  I am surrounding with trees and ferns and rocks of all shapes.  I am surround with the quiet and am rewarded with a little bunny hopping across my path.  I think of all the people who have enjoyed and are enjoying this huge park.  I think of walks I have had with my family each one different and each one special. 

Yesterday I spend a few moments in the quiet church allowing the silence of God to bring healing and balance back into my soul.  The church is open during this time of lent every Thursday morning.  Jane and I pray quietly in our separate places and in our own way.  Silence speaks when I stop to listen.  As I went through the rest of the day working with dad in cleaning up the back yard; he is taken on a huge task of clearing out the blackberry bushes, I enjoyed being out in the sun.

Grace came later in the day to help me with some tedious tasks of sorting and tidying and dusting and re-organizing.  Then we went to the store together and she carried the heavy things home for me.  While she was here Ken called from Australia to check up on us.  He has a bad cold and so does Carol.

This is the entrance where I went into the park.  I have walked along Scott road many times and just walked right by.  There is no path just a wildness that has not been disturbed and I know Morgan would love it because it is like a secret little place.  She has discovered a little door under the stairs that she opened and found a little basket of treasures that I had put there not knowing what to do with them.  She was delighted with the little treasures.  She has a little flashlight and goes in there now when she comes to visit.  It is good that the children enjoy simple things.

Yesterday was a very quiet and healing day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice of Grace to come help you.
Enjoy the spring rain .