Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It is the simple little things in life that can transform our day.  Sunshine, a cheerful walk with my neighbor, working with determination with dad as we clear out some of our junk, fresh dirt to spread around the garden and a good book to relax with.  I am reading Secret Daughter and it gives you insights into the customs of India and the hard life that many are faced to live.  Yes, we take so much for granted until we stop and count our blessings.  A good husband and good friends remind me of the goodness of life.

Very many spiritual paths understand that love is the answer and the only force powerful enough to overcome evil.  There is much to be admired in the Buddhist faith especially the sense of peace it creates.
Over two thousand years ago determination to live out his destiny with courage and compassion allowed a sinless and peaceful man to be put to death on a cross.  New life flowed from this sacrifice as death was conquered in the resurrection of His body and the gift of His holy spirit to redeem the lost, the lonely, the unlovable.  A religion that had been built around sacrificing animals to atone for sin was changed.  Because once there was fear of God and now the path of reconciliation was opened up.  The key was in the life of Jesus.

Life is and will always be a life and death mystery.  I am preparing the soil for the seeds that will die and produce new life.  Eternal life starts when we see how good the good news really is.

As I gather up the dead branches that have fallen off from the life giving source of which it was a part I am reminded of what Jesus said about the vine and the branches.  The vine includes all the branches and we can feel a new sense of worth in the stirring of the spirit within us that flows freely and continuously.


Anonymous said...

Sunshine was nice, but it is still so cold out! So you got the bark mulch spread out? Do you still need more or did we get enough?

beth bennett said...

Yes I have enough for now.
love mom