Friday, April 22, 2011


Surrounded by cheering and adoring fans the Canucks lost badly and where defeated by a better team.
Silent and depressed the crowd leaves wondering what went wrong and who is to blame.
Life can force us to accept what seems like defeat when all are hopes and dreams are dying.

The disciples feel defeated at the arrest of Jesus and cannot even bear to see him dying on the cross.
The way is open to God the Father by the death of the son who struggled with this, the will of His Father
who would bring victory out of this defeat.

    A magnificent act of trust and faith that reveals the compassion of love that forgives even when forgiveness is costly.

Sandra had packed the car with groceries but then it refused to start.  A lifeless car is no good to anyone.
Thankfully the battery was re-connected and the groceries that had been transferred into dad's car where loaded back into hers. 

As one grows older it can feel like you are defeated by a body that refuses to work. 
We know that we have to keep trying to find solutions that can help
I felt defeated yesterday when I could not move because of painful gas in my stomach.
There was no reason as I have been so ultra careful.  That is discouraging.

For those who believed in Jesus as their savior and future king all their faith was crushed with the death of Jesus on the cross.  Defeated his followers fled.  This is not how the story should end and the future was dark and the agony crushed the very life from their souls. 
We all have felt let down at times.  We all have felt unloved and unlovable.

"It will require a death
a humbling.
a leaving behind of the old mind,
and at times it will require an opening up,
losing our hold,
and letting go. so that we can receive, expand, find, hear, see and enjoy."
This is from "Love Wins" by Rob Bell.

We can choose to see that there is an open gate in front of us and believe that love never dies.

The good news has to be able to reach the prodigals who long to come home and yet feel they are unworthy.  The story does not end there but new life that can touch each one of us has the power to transform all our ugliness and bring beauty to our souls once again.

I will re write this but it is time for a walk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a sad game
ps glad your weather is on the improve