Sunday, April 17, 2011


You only get old once so I will try and enjoy it.  The walk to the church seemed so much longer so I was grateful for a ride.  Selling the books at the book store at church I almost gave more money back than I should.  I bought two Teddy Bears and Dad bought two teddy bears.  We can show them to Mathew and Jasmine on skype.

I got lost driving to Cathy's house.  I left dad home with chicken soup and an upset stomach.  I have been there many times but I left late waiting for dad to wake up and to see if he would be feeling better.  I was in a hurry so went down two wrong streets.  There where two stainless steel little pitchers on the table and I thought the salad dressing was the gravie and then discovered the gravie in the other one.  So I pour it on too, so I have salad dressing on my meat and potatoes and gravie on my salad!   hoping no one noticed but they did.  I was exhausted after working at the church for several days so I guess that is my excuse.  I am the last one finishing eating I am just soooo slow but I cannot eat faster.  So there I am slowly eating while everyone else is finished. 

Cathy and Glen and the children are always so glad to see me and little guy is so cute.  He has a sign language and made a strange face when he tasted a strawberry.  Lots of laughter and fun.  They think I am great because I am on face book and I blog and skype.

I come home without getting lost but when I park the car I have to go back twice to make sure I have put the emergency brake on.  I panic at the store when I think I have lost my change purse but the chashier found it.

I am reminded that my prayer will always be "Okay God I can't do this alone" a goofy prayer but an admission that I am not smart enough not strong enough on my own.  I pray because I have hope that from some unknown mysterious source guidance will come.  Even being able to feel calm and not panic when I am lost helps a lot.

So I will drive to church, probably alone, and the car knows the way so that helps.  First I will go for a walk because I am up early again today.  Should be a good day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I have been driving home from work and taken the wrong turn, and I do that drive 4 times a week,so that is not so bad taking a wrong turn going to cathies. Hope dad is feeling better today. Sandra

Shandel said...

Beth, i too take the wrong ways many times. its almost like your body and mind just do what they want sometimes. they dont always work together. I think everything you do is beautiful and i love reading what you write. you are an amazing soul. i am blessed to have met you <3

beth bennett said...

Thank you both I am always bless by comments.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Taking the wrong turn is an easy thing to do and I too have done that...especially when we missed the turn coming off the Lions Gate Bridge ( going to highway 99,) and had to drive through Vancouver to get there. First time going that route. I guess one could say that taking a wrong turn in life can be a serious thing......a young friend visited yesterday and he has taken the wrong turn, to alcohol....and he could have a bright and fruitful life otherwise. I gently asked him if he would go to A.A. and his reply was no, he was happy. I said often alcohol covered a great sadness that one needed help to overcome and if or when he was ready I would help him go to A.A. So very sad to see him drink daily. He is 33. I will keep him on my prayer list and if others would like to do so, his name is Kevin. thank-you