Sunday, April 10, 2011


The heart has been named the center of our emotions because that is where are feelings seem to come from.
My relationships with family and friends give me a sense of warmth and well being.  Dad felt good about building his gate and doing some painting in the kitchen while I am wandering around frustrated becasue it is junk week and Iwant to get rid of some of our junk.  Now dad and I disagree about what is junk and what we just maybe will need to use one day.  I think that means we are emotionally attached to our junk. 
I did not accomplish much in the garden and now I need to find a new place to move my evergreen bush.  I thought it would be okay in the front yard but I know I am not thinking how big it could grow.  I will take a picture when it finds a new home.  I am having second thoughts I may just leave there among the flowers for awhile.  This gardening takes some thought not just hard work.

Going out for lunch at the White Spot was a good break and Sandra joined us.  They are still making decisions and trips to the Home Depot for trimmings for their bathroom.  Work at home has slowed down since work at work has gotten busier.  This has been a learning experience for both of them and they will be very happy when it is completed.  They will now have a thoroughly Modern bathroom!

I had a bad nightmare which made me wonder where did all that fear come from?  Seeing pictures of disasters on the T.V. and reading about young boys who have become monsters with no conscience brings a lot of questions to my mind.  Fear can be a healthy or an unhealthy emotion, but the main thing is not to deny it.  Fear began way back in the garden of Eden with the loss of innocence and the beginning of mistrust.  And of course mistrust breeds fear and deceit.  Denial complicates matters.

I know I try to forget some of the horrible mistakes I have made in the past.  Usually my emotions got out of control and I would regret it later.  Over-tired and stressed will bring out the worst in us.

Jesus faced his fears in the Garden of Gethsemane and shamed his disciples when they failed to keep watch with him.  "I am deeply grieved, even to death, remain here and keep awake."  Mark 14:33-34.  They failed.
This story reveals the humanity of Jesus and although he felt he was to sacrifice his very life.  He had to face his fears and know what was God's will in order to have the courage to die.

Faith is a powerful emotion that can give us courage and strength.

Church can be an emotional experience for me when a word or a hymn or a child seems to touch something deep within me.  A prayer that expresses what I have felt during the week releases the spirit of forgiveness that I willingly accept.  Hugs of acceptance build me up and I feel new life returning.

I meant to write about the sacraments as signs of grace and signs of invisible realities something that you can touch and feel and see.  Bread and wine nourishes us, oil in the sign of the cross heals us with the laying on of hands, the breath of God in the word of God.


Anonymous said...

I suppose one thing to do with "junk" would be to take it somewhere else for a year. Store it away safely. And if nobody (like Dad) looked for it or wanted to use it in a year, then it is probably junk.

When I move I always find things like that, that I have used or even thought of since the last time I moved.



Anonymous said...

Junk is an interesting concept. I guess there is a reason that they say "one man's junk is another man's treasure." So, other than what Rick said, I can't add to that!


beth bennett said...

Junk was just a side-line what no comments on emotions?
love mom

Anonymous said...

Rick and I are guys, so we're just living down to the stereotype...we don't talk about emotions. Sandra can step up to the plate on this one....


Anonymous said...

Yes, I dont understand the emotional attachment to junk. It seems like emotions and fears need a place to live, and for some strange reason junk seems to be a way to store them. But why do we want to? And what does it mean that I love to throw away junk. Hmmm, maybe a denial process going on. Maybe a self delusion, not physical junk means no emotional junk? I think we now need Carol to weigh in.

Anonymous said...


Very nice photo, although I don't recognize the furniture setting. Is this in your dining room?


beth bennett said...

No it was the flower display at the Safeway. I am running out of pictures.