Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Driving into town today would have been better if it was not so sunny especially for driving home.  Yes, dad drove home although I am sure I would have got us home safely but at a much slower pace.  We stopped in a dark bar on the way home and two men came in and started talking about religion.  I would have liked to join in.  So we left and dad put on his sunglasses and continued to drive home.  The brightness hurt his eyes for the rest of the evening.
Anyway the good news is that his eyes are keeping about the same and just putting in the eye drops will continue to help.  A long appointment but it was good to have that encouraging news.  We had started out the door before we realized we did not know the doctors name we were to see.  Went back and to grab the paper I had written it on when they phoned to give us the information.  Dr. Mike Berg I wrote down.  Well there was no Dr. Berg on the bulletin board but we walked around and found a Dr. Mikelberg and who would have thought it was one word.

When we got ready to join our study group we opened the door to see snow falling.  My poor brave little flowers I though would they be safe?

We read the words of Jesus in our study and I was reminded that it would have been a risky business to be a follower of Jesus; especially for those who felt safe in their religion.  We become a part of his story when we allow his words to speak to us and awaken new desires in us to be open to the Holy Spirit and to shake us free from false religion.

Self-knowledge comes to us if we allow ourselves to leave the safety of what we thought was right and learn new truths.  To feel the security of Divine Love that never fails yet always allows us the freedom to choose.
To step into the boat with Jesus meant experiencing the stormy water that would make them afraid.

Am I safe?
Am I secure?
Am I willing to change? 


Anonymous said...

Good to hear that dad's eyes are holding steady. There was still lots of left over hail on the sides of the road this morning from my drive home yesterday. Tommorrow should be sunny though and I have big plans for digging up the side yard to put in hostas, bleedings hearts and ferns.

beth bennett said...

When can you come over here to dig? love mom