Thursday, April 14, 2011


Is God good?  Does He exist? We do not really know?  Do we want to know?

How do we define goodness? 

What makes a mother or a father good?

I thought when I got married and babies came along that doing the simple things my mother did would make me a good mother.  Yes, a good father helps make this a reality.  What happens is that we start living different lives so that each has to struggle to cope with difficult tasks. 

I read once that in life we find ourselves entangled in a giant ball of string.  Women have more choices in the world today and they have a determination to be able to control their lives and not be in a place of dependency.  Hopefully there are more sources of help for those caught in a web of deceit that is the doing of someone else.

Marriage is a huge risk especially when one of the people in the marriage is vulnerable and feels helpless and alone.  I have listened to friends who have shared their pain with me.  I have prayed for them.  I have tried to work through the mess of their unhappiness and the role of being a mother at a time when they had no energy to cope emotionally with their own lives as well as be a support for their children.

I have always said that a good husband makes a good father but it takes a very mature man to see that he needs to provide for his wife and children financially and emotionally.

A good parent will do all they can to protect their children from harm, from sickness and from grief.  This is impossible so you try to teach them how to deal with disappointment and unfairness that happens in all our lives.

God cannot protect us nor does he or she make us happy; even as we cannot do this for our children.
  It has to come from within.  Life has lessons to be learned and they are not easy.  It is like the little chicken that must makes it way out of the egg on its own strength. 

Goodness flows out of perfection which we will never experience here and now.  I believe there is a spirit of goodness that touches our lives in unexpected moments and gives us the strength and courage to do our best. 

I was happy sorting out the huge, gigantic pile of box after box of books.  I would have done it slowly and put the mysteries together, the cook books, the educational books etc. but then it was decided to get the books out of the boxes and on to the table in whatever order we unpacked them.  If I had my way I would sneak back and try to rearrange them which would make me happy but your dad would see it as stupid.  I will go to-morrow morning when there will be more boxes to sort through and the task is too great to do in the time set aside for it.  I just hope that all the people who gave us books will come and buy a boxful!  lol

I will be going back this morning to more and more books.  I wish it could be done in some orderly way which make me feel good but I doubt that is going to happen.

I want to believe that there is some one greater and more dynamic
more alive and creative that gives life order and meaning.

Goodness I can not explain or understand and I may be surprised one day when I find out what it really is.
I believe that God can see the goodness within me when I do not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the books at least inside and out of the cold this year? It is so miserable out there, even with the little bit of sun we got yesterday. Sandra