Saturday, April 2, 2011


Black candles on the alter represent dark days ahead.  The white candle is the Christ Candle which I think it would be great if it was never put out but that is not practical.

I saw the Witnesses drive by today while I was out walking and I am so glad I missed them.  I do not feel like talking about or thinking about what others believe.  I feel badly about writing about my religious struggles and expecting people will want to read it.

But for me there has to be a place for the sacred in my life, a sense of Holiness, that transcends the ordinary and takes your breath away. 

God really is and He is here and within and He is speaking through His creation in the kindness of strangers and in the still small voice within and in the love that connects us to one another.

Time to reflect and to still my own voice enables me to sense a Holy Presence and be aware that I dwell in a state of grace that is beyond my understanding.

The unknown mystery seems reasonable to my small mind.

Unknowing was not a source of frustration for Thomas Aquinas [1225 - 74] a theologian, a teacher and a writer.  Trust that there are signs that point the way and "trust that the capacity of the intellect to recognise the genuineness of the transcendent, to look beneath the surface of life and apprehend a sacred dimension that is as real as-indeed more real than- anything in our experience. 

Faith was the ability to appreciate and take delight in the non empirical realities that we glimpse in the world."

Music touches something deep within me and brings life to my soul.

The drive home from church feeling very peaceful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that place.