Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Dad and I greatly appreciate the time Stephen and Shawna took to spend driving down to the Sylvia, yes our favorite place, and we where able to catch up with them and all they are doing.  I know that on the day you are leaving you start getting that anxious feeling about packing and getting to the airport on time.  Do hope their flight home was smooth. 

Stephen is very polite and considerate and so is Shawna and we are happy they seem so happy together.
Our time together went by so quickly I couldn't believe it.  This is the way when anyone visits and suddenly it is time to leave.  They really made us feel appreciated too!

Our next group book study is watching a D.V.D on Buddhism which I believe will deepen our understanding of our Christian faith.  This will add to the mix that Judaism has already built into my faith and belief in life.

I read that a rabbi's interruption of the scripture that says "Leave your father's house" really literally means leave what is familiar.  Abraham was certainly doing that.  Young people have to plan their own lives but we appreciate the values that reflect what we consider is important and now is apart of who they are.

Buddhism teaches that it is important not to cling to what we think life should be because this can cause suffering but to let go of our expectations that can cause us anxiety and unrest.  I so appreciate the fact that I can go for walks and enjoy the fresh air and friendship. 

I made an appointment for dad at the doctor's today, which may or may not be all that helpful but his energy levels are very low and maybe there is something that can help him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the visits always go by so quickly. Hope your dr apt goes well, I am thinking of making one some time soon too. Mary's cats seem to like the DVD I sent them. Hopefully will keep them somewhat amuzed.