Monday, July 18, 2011


Such a lot of work went into creating this special garden retreat.  All the little stones hand crafted and fit together.  It is going to be a beautiful little place to sit.

A lot of work and both dad and I where very concerned at the way Sandra was walking, looking so stiff and sore.  Not good, baby!  You have done a wonderful job and probably where happy doing it but I think you over did it.  Maybe you see a specialist or go to the swimming pool,  Dad is having a lot of pain and feels discouraged and I am trying some super vitamins but of course they take a long time to work.  I suggested the water exercise for him too.

I thought about taking my sweet potato casserole over to share but then forgot it and I think you do not like sweet potato but it is very good for you.

I am worried about the party being too much for you.  I like the stew that Randy makes and the great salads you make but food is not all that important to me.  I am sure Shawna and Steve will be a big help to you.  I would say paper plates but I doubt if you will agree.  Do try and take your pills I guess that is all that helps keep the inflammation down.  I think the cold and damp is not good for any of us.

I am looking forward to seeing Shawna and Steve they are so loving and sweet.

It is a rare gift to make the world a more beautiful place!


Anonymous said...

Well, it is not like I build a garden every day, so I only walk like that sometimes. I will look for a crock pot recipe for Saturday, is there any where that has nice gluten free buns for you and Theresa?
Did you stop by the Fusion Festival?

Anonymous said...

Yes I can find buns.

We drove by buy parking would be a problem and we where gettting hungry.

Meet four nice people walking this morning. One was karen Ron's sister in law who had breast cancer