Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hopeful of getting her ball signed by the players.

Grandpa and Ben take the game very seriously

One of the more exciting moments

Morgan is taking pictures too

Having fun

Thanks Theresa for inviting us!


Anonymous said...

I really was tempted to come last night, but have a wedding to go to today, and Stephen and Shawna coming next weekend so had to stay home and study. My brain is being very stubborn about letting anything new come in though, seems to think it has enough in there allready. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That would have been nice.

Hopefully your brain started working.

love mom

Anonymous said...

did the whitecaps win? is that a new camera you are using?
Go Cadel Go ....


beth bennett said...

It was the girls team and it was very exciting and the score was 3 all.

Yes I have a new camera. Dad likes to keep me happy.

love mom

Theresa Rose said...

The womens team this season has only lost 2 games. The men have only won 1. But no news coverage for the womens team. I am not really too concerned because i can afford to go to the womens games ($12) and cant afford to watch the mens ($60). Morgan got three signatures on her ball (a gift from papa ron) including a signature from Sydney Leroux who scored 2 goals and the goalie Jaclyn dunnett. Right now we are watching the women's final game USA vs Japan. Morgans fav player, Alex Morgan is lighting it up but the score is still nill - nill. Vancouver is hosting the Womens cup in 2015. I plan to take the kids to the womens qualifying games in 2012. hopefully they wont be too expensive. ben is going to start saving now.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to the Kids enjoying playing and watching soccer. good job Theresa