Wednesday, July 20, 2011


First thing   do now when I get up is check if by any chance the raccoons have ruined yet another pump in our pond.  Believe it or not they broke it again yesterday but this time dad was able to fix it.  I try to imagine why they are taking it apart.  Could there be some bugs or something hidden behind it and they have to get to.  Or are they looking for the lost fish that we use to try and keep safe by having a safe place for them to go to.  I am sure I will never know but it has to be unplug right away or the battery burns out.  Sounds like me and dad yesterday we were both feeling a little burnt out.  Dad did go for a bike ride and we did go to the nursery to find something to put under the big spreading tree.

Trees can be beautiful, like this one from Sandra and Randy's place but trying to work under this miserable tree that pokes you in the back and strange bugs drop off it and get under your shirt.  Dad has never liked this tree but I have. 

I stayed home from my walk and watched the Murdock Trial.  The most interesting thing was when a man try to throw a foam pie in his face and his wife, young wife, rose up and hit it away.  There may be a chance that they are telling the truth that they did not know about the hackers who were getting illegal information.  They certainly have to stick to their story now and maybe they believe that telling the truth the whole truth would be the surest way of making this matter worse. 

The challenge of competition that proves that we are better than others.

I know that I live in two worlds and sometimes somewhere in between.  The world of everyday life and then the world of the spirit.  Yesterday I made a little corner to be my prayer corner where I light my candle and pray and read something inspirational.  It is easy to feel that it is too much an effort and probably does not help anyway. 

Quietness is an internal space that can be helped by seeing the beauty that surrounds us.


Anonymous said...

I really like your new camera, it takes nice pictures. I hardly ever watch the news any more, or listen to it for that matter. I am always a bit surprised though when people get upset about issues like this hacking or what ever you call it. I mean, really? Who didn't think the press would use any means to get the best stories. Sure, punish them since it is illegal, but making them into some kind of monsters is a bit much. Compare them to the corporate big wigs in the states making millions of dollars as the economy goes under. Now they are truely bad guys who make me sick.

Anonymous said...

What Sandra said, ditto!!

Anonymous said...

Oops...signed Panteli!

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, I couldn't agree more! Strange what the press decides to put so much focus on isn't it?
Beth, your photos are so good, you see things with a different eye, such as getting beneath the tree and shooting upwards. Lovely patterns, textures and colours. You should submit some of your photos to the calendar companies...research them on the web. They pay good bucks for shots like yours. Nancy