Wednesday, July 27, 2011


What a surprise to receive this beautiful book about me and my family.  Yes you are all there!
The years have gone by so quickly and I have so many happy memories.  Dad and I have spent the afternoon looking at the pictures and remembering different things as we shared our past and look forward to more happy moments, especially with family.

It is interesting seeing the remarks on face book by all the familiar names of people who lived on 8A way back when you children were young.  It must help when others remember things.  Certainly interesting to dad and I as we did not know much about what was happening.  I wonder if I had been diagnosed at that time and we did not have to move how things would have been different.

I made some new good friends  as did my children.

Skyped both with Shawna and Kimberly.  Shawna was as happy and as excited as I was.  I will take my book with me when I go visiting.

The doctor's appointment was disappointing to me.  Dad got some old pills and some new pills he is afraid to try.  Dad did not tell him some important things like loosing his balance and his short steps.
They do not seem to suggest practical things like the swimming pool and physio therapy which at least may help in that you are doing something.

Should be a good day for a bike ride or a walk in the Watershed.

Been trying to pull out some roots and pulled a muscle.  Stephen dug out one monster for me which was a help.  Dad is trimming vigorously;  need I say more?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just what is he trimming? Maybe it is best I dont stop by. I am looking forward to the long weekend and pullig some weeds my self mixed up with more studying of course. Sandra