Thursday, July 7, 2011


Love the early morning freshness and quietness.  I should walk early this morning and the lawn needs to be cut and there are people to be visited.  Now, I am hoping it does not get too hot but we have our nice shade deck which will be a perfect place to sit.

Sad to hear about bars and dears doing crazy things to hurt people.  Another man was chased yesterday and was saved by a small dog barking!  The weather is being blamed and also we are moving into their territory and they will protect their young.

About the dentist I have to have the root dug out, something done to the bone and then a three hour appointment to fix the tooth in. this will be over months and I am not sure just what I will do.  I will do the first part I think because of slight infection.

I bought all the ingredients for a healthy granola bar and then lost the recipe.  I was just starting to think I could do a blog on healthy gluten free food but that seems to be a dream.

One thing about growing older is that you can still dream not about acquiring things or attaining status but just about enjoying life.  I can find at times I feel like a bit of a misfit out of tune with the rest of the world.  I feel so happy when I find my right glasses and the book I was looking everywhere for.  We can all relate.

Spiritually life is about being free from attachments and addictions and seeing the emptiness they promise.  Their is a soul life within each one of us and it can be so different and even for many unrecognizable.  Freud discovered the unconscious I believe; but hidden in scripture there is truth that can help us understand ourselves better and each other.  I think i do not understand or realize the thoughts  and desires that my soul is longing for.  Discovering the deeper meaning of life in times of joy and sorrow.

The process is shrouded in mystery and at times I can feel lost and empty until I pray and ask the good Lord to fill my cup again and again.  There is a freedom and an unpredictability in the love from above.
Transformation is more often a hidden process that we are not fully aware of!


Anonymous said...

Looking outside I dont think it will get too hot, rather I am thinking I should have brought a jacket for my afternoon walk.
Your dental procedure sounds like the same as mine. If you do decide to go through with it I would recommend sedation of some sort. I am just hoping it all turns out to be worth it in the end, I was dreaming about how nice it would be to eat on that side of my mouth again, or would it just feel unatural now it has been so long?

Anonymous said...

I walked home from the shops this morning, very cold here. Took me just over an hour. I had to drop my car off at the mechanics.

Anonymous said...

Life can be one trail after another and we have to be fighters that eventually become over-comers.

It was cold here today and I visited four very elderly people today and I am amazed at how cheerful they can be with the limitations they have to live with and also poor health.

Too bad about your car Ken.

love mom