Tuesday, July 19, 2011


That is me looking kindly at the man in the check-up line at the store who I raced ahead to get their first.  We both had only a few items but I was tired out after working out in the yard etc.   I do regret it  I guess my penance will be to let everyone go first which I usually do.  Dad was gracious and offered for him to go first and he so kindly said it was okay.

So today is a new day.  I am happy the sun is shining and the fence right outside my kitchen widow that was looking so very sad' was put together temporarily by dad yesterday.  Yesterday morning at this time I had lost my favorite glasses and couldn't find my purse where I thought I may have left them.  Both where eventually found and I know where they are this morning.  I noticed I am losing my hair, it is just getting thinner and I can feel it when I comb it.  Will have to do a comb over soon!

Yesterday my birthday card arrived from my brother which made me think of our growing up years.
We were so different with me being the shy one and he being the extrovert and more rebellious.  I was the one that continued to go to church with my parents as we entered that miserable time of adolescence.  I like to try and do what I feel is right.  Impossible as this is as I often say or do what I regret later.  lol

I wonder as I hold the card how much choice we have in becoming the person we turn out to be.

I have certainly learned that I am good at a few things and hopeless at others.  I am reminded of a story that someone told me of going to a charismatic church and feeling totally uncomfortable.  Extremely anxious to get out she was touched by someone,  a silent prayer of blessing,
 before she left.  Outside she felt very shaken so took out her cigarettes but they disgusted her.  So she went from being a heavy smoker who had tried to quit for years to one who never smoked again.  Because she quit so did her husband.  Proving once again God works in mysterious ways.  She had never told this story to anyone else.

  "When we encounter the Holy Spirit words fail."
Brother Thomas   Benedictine Monk


Anonymous said...

I think of that too with Rick, Kenny Carol and I. Same parents and yet all so different. I am late getting Shadels card out, hopefully it gets there in time. Funny. I stopped at the store to buy hers and was looking at the cards knowing there was someone else I needed to buy one for but couldn't remember so I left with just the one. Silly me.

beth bennett said...

I, regretfully, am sending less cards.

love mom

Theresa Rose said...

I always let people go first who have a few items. but when i am in a hurry and told let someone go first... i feel terribly guilty. I think it is a nice gesture - especially for the elderly. i think more people should do it. We always get cards from you grandma. each one is appreciated. kim said she got three christmas cards this year! it is everybody else that is slacking in the card department - including me! my apologies.

Theresa Rose said...

I always let people go first who have a few items. but when i am in a hurry and told let someone go first... i feel terribly guilty. I think it is a nice gesture - especially for the elderly. i think more people should do it. We always get cards from you grandma. each one is appreciated. kim said she got three christmas cards this year! it is everybody else that is slacking in the card department - including me! my apologies.