Friday, July 29, 2011


I woke up this morning with a headache and a heavy heart thinking of health problems of your dad, and also others in the family with health concerns.  Poor health at any age can drain us of the energy and joy of our daily living.

I sit quietly and pray that there will be some solutions that will give then better health.  Worries and stress crowd out our best intentions to think positively.  I find it helpful to take time to reflect on my life and see how I can make it better and keep things simple. 

Going visiting is very draining and being with elderly people remind me that I too am getting older.  As  sit with Jim watching people come and go he tells me how miserable he is and yet I know he takes an interest in the people coming and going.  He has only one daughter, who has very little in her life, but she is the one who comes to visit and take him out to the doctor.  He tells me of the girl who makes sure he has peanut butter for his toast in the morning. 

Life can be exhausting and often people disappoint us and let us down and I try to be kind and understanding but also honest.  Life can seem like a battle and it is no wonder the ancient people believed in the powerful force of evil. 

We live in a world of hyperconsumption of material things which can add anxiety and a feeling that I need more to make my life better and more worthwhile.  Everyday is like a blank page that I can fill with any pattern that I choose.  Keeping cheerful especially when doing the same old tasks is not always easy but I remind myself how good it is to be able to move around and do what I can.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I try to be thankfull for my achy hips as at least I have legs and feet to walk around still. Well, not realy thankfull for them, rather inspite of them. Randy is home today sanding his car, the grass is cut, sprinkler on and I am doing my home work starting................NOW! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Matthews party tonight.

Anonymous said...

Matthews party tonight.