Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Dad and I enjoyed a delightful visit with Leah yesterday!
This turned by day right around, having woke up with a sore neck which worsen when I went on the computer, to having the view finder on my camera go crazy.  I could still take pictures but had no idea of what I was taking.  I went out to see what would happen when I took pictures and dad rushed out to find a bargain on a new camera.  I think it may be fixable but I am really thankful for a camera that works.

It is nice to have time just one on one visits where you share some of yourself with some one dear to your heart.  Time just went by so fast it was amazing!  Leah is continuing with her treatments and is confident she will be back at work by September.  Pain is difficult for any of us and it is so hard when you do all you can and the results are so slow in coming.

None of us know what the future holds and that in some way our plans exist within a larger plan.  Living with love helps calm our fears and helps me trust whatever will be will be.  I do all I can to keep myself healthy and as dad and I get older we appreciate the health we have and the things we can still do.  Not every experience that brings us to a place of trusting God more and learning about ourselves will be easy or pain free.  Bad things are just apart of life and they do make us appreciate the blessings we do have.             
Our day ended up at White Spot and Leah took my big blog home with her.                                                                                                                                          


Anonymous said...

I dont know, plans are something that seem to work for other people much better then they work for me. Yesterday I planned on going home to study, but my neck was sore as well from being at the computer all day and the numbers would not stop wirling in my head so had to give up on that and went to bed to watch tv and fall asleep instead.
Oh, did you mention to Leah Saturday for your birthday?

beth bennett said...

No I did not think of it. A sore neck is very miserable and being at a computer makes it worse. Hope you are better today.

love mom