Monday, July 4, 2011


One blog was not enough so here is the second one.
We enjoyed our walk along the river.  Maybe! the fact that when I put our morning vitamins out I took them all dad's and mine without even thinking!  I am trying to hurry because I meet my friend at 7:30 and everything is going wrong.  For some reason the picture went very tiny and then refused to work at all.

Dad and I also had hemp seeds and strawberries on our cereal so something should start to help but dad soaked his feet again yesterday and I came home with a back ache from church so the walk was good medicine for us both.

Sam Harris who wrote "The Moral Compass was on the radio had sounded like a very reasonable man but I did not agree with him.  There has to be more to life than cold hard facts that we can prove.  For me there certainly is.  I realize the human faults that the Bible reveals and that we can be on a misguided quest for theological purity but I have still found the study of theology fascinating.  Yes there is violence and murder and yes the message of Jesus was to help us see clearly the need for forgiveness the healing power of words and restoration of the soul.

Belief cannot be forced but what we believe is a powerful force in our lives.

I want more than facts I want imagination that frees me to feel joy even on a cloudy day when my body aches and I want to know that I am loved.  That there is this amazing love that floats free all around us.
There are verses is scripture that speak to me with greater intensity than any other written word.


Anonymous said...

Do you want to believe it so much that even if it is not true the belief alone makes you feel happier? I personaly have found no less enjoyment in life and nature and the wonder of all the is beatiful and awsome with out putting god in the mix of it all. Spent my day yesterday trying to do find anything that had to be done other then my school work. Ended my day on the couch though working my way through the problems. Let me know if there are any plans with Carol and Panteli if there make it back out this way.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let me know too! Carol has a lunch date in Surrey with her old work friends, and we have to meet our contractor in Pt. roberts on Tuesday night, and I'm pretty sure that we'll have one more trip in. Also, we have one more load of small things to pick up from our old apartment building that the building manager was kind enought to store for a few days. I'll prompt Carol to make a plan, which I know will change several times, but at least there will be a plan!

beth bennett said...

Yes well God is in the Wonder!

es Panyrli let us know your plans.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

What a lovely picture Beth...the darker trees in the background are a perfect foil for the light grasses that are blowing in the wind. You have a photographers eye. Did you know that one's eye is drawn to the place that is darkest against lightest? Something I teach in my workshops. Sure had a chuckle about the vitamins ....I could see myself doing that too.