Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This is my Christmas tree made of branches!
I had so many nice things happen to me yesterday that it made up for the discouragement of low energy.

We are so happy to have Oliver come and stay with us.  It will be like old times when he lived in our basement suite for awhile.  I do hope and pray for him to find the right job and the right girl, not an easy thing in this world.

Theresa phoned and encouraged us to stay at her place on Wed. night so that will give us more time for the visit with them all.  I do not want to be a bother but she insists.

The postman even came and told me he could take my letters as I was slowly walking to the mailbox.  That was so kind of him.

I believe, with all my heart and soul, that Christmas was a gift meant to life our spirits and for us to believe in the unbelievable.

The stillness and peacefulness calm my spirit this morning.  The blanket on my knee feels soft and warm.  I hear the dogs from across the street barking again anxious for their morning walk.  It sounds cold out there.  I breath in and out slowly thankful for my lungs and heart that I can feel within me.

Yesterday after writing and praying and drinking my coffee I had a rest.  Had one trip out in the morning and home to have a deep afternoon sleep.  I start to feel unhappy with myself so have to get rid of false expectations and just be happy.

The hopeful spirit of Christmas enjoys the moment without the stress and worry of what should be done. 

The good news is that Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted, to bring us good news, to release us from the prison of doubt and despair to anoint faint hearts with joy and praise.

The Old Testament has good news if we do not get stuck in the darkness as it tells of "ten men from all Nations will take hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say: "Let us go with you because we have heard God is with you."

Prayerfully reach out to touch that hem just in your imagination and feel the new strength that is flowing into you.  The gift of the spirit works in the quietness of faith and in those who receive the good news.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The light of (this Word) shines bright with promise for us all!

I believe that angels sing over us all even if I cannot hear them.  There is more in this world than the eye can see, or the ear can hear, or the mind can figure out.  I am so happy that this is true,
Isaiah 12:9


Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds like there are new developments, I will have to call.

Anonymous said...

I think Angels are a pagan idea - magical nonsense. They are a sort of diluting or transitional idea. That is, for those who can't take Jesus straight, they throw in a bunch of magic and miracle stuff, just to make the heathens feel comfortable.



nancy-Lou said...

Being a Christian takes courage and Beth..." you go to the head of the class!" Your blog is right from the heart and gives your followers insightful thoughts each day. Many thanks, and may God bless you with good health and strength so you can resume your daily walks. Nancy

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful Berh . I am loving Your photos so much !