Saturday, January 21, 2012


Yes I felt very foolish as I had to confess my lost card at the library because I seem to be doing something wrong every time I go there.  /the librarian was very gracious and as I went to leave she said now put that in your purse right now.  So I did.
The road was very icy early this morning
So good to have some light

Walking was not so much fun this morning as it was damp and chilly.  But I am always glad I made the effort.  I behaved very properly today as it was a sobering thought that some one might have thought I was drunk.  Then dad was checking the empty wine bottles after we got home today, yes I finished off a bit of bubbling sparkling wine last night with popcorn.

Today I am cold sober.

Visiting at the hospital again was a depressing experience.  Our friend was in a double room with an elderly man in the bed next to her.  At least she was not in the hall where many others were.  I could not help but think that some music of nature and some calming light would be nicer.  I was glad that I could sit and talk with Luise's daughter as this is so very hard on her.  It has been good getting to know her better as I visited her mom.  It was hard to say good-bye but I shared some happy thoughts of heaven being a garden a place to walk with Jesus and be with loved ones.

I  do not do many wild and crazy things but it is good to feel fully alive and feel joy within your being.
What matters most is being who we really are and what matters most to us.

Life is so precious and each one of us achieves more than we realize.  The dying help us to see how precious life is and how important our loved ones are to us.  I think the word transcends comes to mind as life comes to an end. 

Consciously or not, we are all on a quest for answers, trying to learn the lessons of life.  Through study and work and play we continue to find ourselves changing.  Yes, it is true that as we get older we get happier, although I had to think about that as I read the article in the paper.  Little things mean so very much and joy comes with simple pleasures like a walk in the park, watching the ducks, eating out.
Bringing home that new book that I ordered from the library to add to the pile I have that I am reading again or am planning to read. I find that there are always so many things to look forward to like visits from family far from home. 

.Most days I am at peace with myself.


Anonymous said...

Wine and popcorn sounds like a good combination.



Anonymous said...

And it is good that you have a new library card.



beth bennett said...

Yes things are looking up

love mom