Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Yes these are from my garden. P3180260
I think it would be a brilliant idea to wake up each morning determined to have a good time that day.
 More often that not I am guilty of thinking what I need to do and how I will get it done.  Half way throughout the day I ask myself are you having any fun yet?  Time to read the comics.

If one were to look at a picture of Jesus hanging on the cross in agony or a picture of the fat Laughing Buddha which one would you think was going to bring happiness and joyous spontaneousness into your life.?  For me it is Jesus!  Yes there is a joy in His Presence!

We like being with people who like having fun because hearing laughter and a giggle or two is a delight.  I believe that Jesus liked to laugh and have a good time.  He enjoyed being with people of all ages and at all times.  I believe that I can experience God in times of abundant joy and in times of great distress.

Jesus was offering us new life that demands justice and freedom for all.    To live in the light of unconditional love helps me to be determined to make the best of my life.

"There is a time for us to face up to what is over in our lives. . . ..and quit making old ideas fit new situations."  Joan Chittister

I start with an idea and end up with more questions.  Dad had a longer walk than I did today because he was determined to make an effort.  He also did some shopping for us coming home with lots of good stuff from the Deli!

Mother and daughter enjoy a fun moment together.

They made it a fun week-end for us all!



Anonymous said...

What Jesus really enjoyed was irritating the stern priests and the puffed-up pharisees. I'm sure he would be working doublely hard at that if he was around today! So many easy targets these days.

Good that Dad is going for longer walks.



Anonymous said...

So, it is now take time to smell the roses AND to read the comics? Like Calvin and Hobbes, reading that one always is good for a laugh and to remember the joy of simple things. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I went for a short walk before work while Melina was driving Jesse to school.Four late shifts for me now. very windy here.