Sunday, June 30, 2013


The cats turn away disgusted as the water is not running.
Dad adds some birds to the front water fall.
Time to put our Canada flag out.
Waiting to hear if Jesse was able to get his passport.  Mathew and Jasmine have theirs
Visiting Eileen at the hospital I am aware that it is the future that is important.  Dad does his best to see that she is cared for and helps make decisions because he has been asked.
She needs proper care and sadly the hospital does not always provide for her.  She needs help eating etc.  Dad does that when he is there.  At times like this it really needs the whole family to become involved and we are hopeful when her two other sons arrive they will be helpful.

It is a long walk to and in the hospital and not easy for dad’s hurting feet.
 We try to live out our faith by our behavior and caring for family is the first priority

We also have to allow others to help us because we cannot do what we once could.  I was pleases to have Carol and Panteli give me help in the side garden.  It has been neglected.  It is hot and tiring work and those rose bushes give nasty scratches.  Thank you it was a big help.

 I came home after visiting, had  a bite to eat and a rest and did some more work in the yard.  Dad's shade deck lots better after he washed and scrubbed it..  I am turning into a lazy day gardener.  I am good with hugs and story reading and playing snakes and ladders and short walks to the park.

"The Great Spirit placed me here
to take good care of the ground
and to do each other no harm."  -\ native Indian

Belief should be lived out in our behavior to be believable. 
Plans to day are church, visiting, maybe see Sandra and Randy at some point.


Sandra said...

Up early after getting to bed around 1:00. Looking forward to puttering around and seeing what my garden is up to. We have to be out of the house for a showing today, do you mind if I drop by around 4:00 with the dog's for half an hour?

beth bennett said...

No that would be really good. Looking forward to seeing you and maybe giving you a hug.
love mom