Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Awake at the first light of the dawn and even when I have not slept that well still find the early morning so fresh and so beautiful.

After a quick little walk and tour around my garden dad and I started off for the appointment
at the cancer clinic at Surrey Memorial Hospital,
It was good we started early as there were no parking spots at the hospital so we had to park in the doctor’s office across the street.  We then came in at the wrong end of the building which has so changed you have no idea where you are.  Fortunately we met a young lady guiding some others around and she said just follow the orange line.
Just one problem no orange line,  but at least we where now on the right level.   We actually arrived on time and the doctor agreed that everything looks okay for now.  As we sit waiting for our next appointment we see many young people coming and going and our hearts are touched by all they are going through.  This is the real world for many people.  Dad does not need to come back for six months.
We headed down to River Road.  A perfect day, sunny with a light breeze,  but then found everything had changed and we were on one detour after another.  It will be good when it is finished but a lot of twist and turns right now and we could even enjoy the scenery on the way.


Finally found our way again on a familiar road.  This is taken from the car window so not to clear.

I put on the same picture twice but I like the effect.  Dad is sitting looking out at the boats.


We had lunch at the River Inn where I always order the same thing.  Just about every restaurant I go to I order the exact same gluten-free item.  A  perfect day to sit on the deck and pick out our next boat.

We took a familiar route home and home always looks good when you have had a day away.  We do not need to travel to other areas as there is so much right near to us that we can enjoy.  Dad went for a bike ride and I cut the lawn.  Best thing was Mrs. G out working in her yard!

"Without a doubt, there is great value in spirituality that emphasizes and supports withdrawal from society.  But in our time with its special needs, we require a spirituality of intense involvement and radical engagement with the world."  -Wayne Teasdale.


Sandra said...

I have not gone down on that part of River Road since I have been re routed. I was wondering what it looks like. All in all it sounds like not too bad of a day for you guys. Randy picked me up and we did a quick shopping at Wallmart then he cooked us hambagurs. No baby yet! Sandra

Anonymous said...

A nice view of the river. A person can tend to forget it is there, as we are so isolated from it.

Glad Dad does not have to go back for 6 months.

