Tuesday, June 18, 2013



Two little humming birds came for a visit.  I think they were humming birds with their wings going so fast and furious.  Then I realize they are not humming birds but still amazing.
One actually rested on my hand for a moment.  They are drinking in our little water rockery.

Earlier the black and white cat came before I had turned the pump on and had sat and waited patiently until I did and then she had a drink because they like the running water.
The sun was now up and shining brightly so I started out for my walk. Took a picture of the front garden before I left.

Came home and made some soup and did some cleaning up before heading out to the back yard and sit and read.  What a perfect day warm but not too warm.

Dad was busy taking some old paint cans to the disposal and then took the car over to have the brakes fixed.  Came home in time for soup and the hockey game.  Left the car.

A peaceful day that began with a sense of the magical.  There was a sense of the mysterious and magical and unfathomable in my experiences during my day.  A Sabbath that was not the Sabbath.

When I write about God I realize that this may be a spiritual inadequacy trying to name all that name includes which has been many names over the centuries.  I like the name "Ancient of Days" too.

There is a story about Moses who  cried out to God to show him His  glory.   All Moses saw was His back as God told him to hide behind a rock and He would pass by. All Moses saw was His back.  A story that   ancient rabbis thought  meant was a euphemism for "where I just was."

Looking back on my day I realize that I could not capture the little bird nor could I remain in that peaceful place where I was reading but somehow God's presence,  that is beyond my understanding and beyond my words,  was with me. 

Woven into our lives are these moments of sheer delight and shining grace of the spirit that we may see at the time or we may see looking back.  A new baby is one of these miracles!

Laughter and friendship too!

This picture is for Rick.
This is the new step dad made that should be safer coming out from the house.


Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that the cat and the birdies are on slightly differnt schedules!


Anonymous said...

Exciting game of soccer yesterday , Australia beat Iraq , scoring in the last minutes , to earn a spot at the World Cup next year.

beth bennett said...

We missed it. Sounds like it was a good game.

How are those nasty cold bugs?

Everyone getting better?

love mom