Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I keep thinking I am going to put my winter clothes away and then it gets cool again. I certainly felt the chill yesterday.

The rock is one of the few things that has stayed right where it was at Sandra’s house.  Actually rocks are everywhere and are very interesting.  There are so many different colors and shapes.

Science has rocked the world of religion as it has examined and found new evidence that is still coming to light as they examine rocks. 

Scripture tells a story of God telling Moses to strike the rock and out of it will come pure water.  This is Exodus 17 where Moses is weary of the Israelites and their complaining they are thirsty. 

In a letter to the Corinthians Paul refers to this story about the rock and declares that the rock was Christ, the one who would quench the thirst of many.

The first Christians believed at a specific time and place divine energy entered this world.  What kind of Universe are we living in? And have we limited it to what we can see and understand?  Facts are good and science can teach us a lot.  There is also wisdom to be learnt from the past that science and ancient texts can inform us.

Science has raised doubts that continue to  casts a shadow of fear because there are more and more questions.


One of many flowers filling their big yard with color.  There can be beauty in nature in many forms.  The sky above us changes constantly and so does the earth underneath us.  I am glad that rocks remind me that the world can be solid and yet at the same time unexpected and far beyond our comprehension.

Rocks also radiate energy which I do not understand how something can be solid and yet particles within it are moving.

Jesus came to reveal what had been hidden deep in the mystery of God.  The first-century Christians was that when you saw Jesus-the first century Jewish Rabbi who taught and healed and called disciples and challenged the authorities to the point of death-you were seeing the divine in skin and bones, the word in flesh and blood.  Jesus did become one of us to inspire and provoke us to respond like he did to a world of hopelessness and confusion and suffering.

Salvation available to all!  The church helps me to keep his grace and mercy alive in my heart.

Rocks have a story to tell and so do each one of us

"Sometimes people bump into Jesus,
they trip on the mystery, they stumble past the word,
they drink from the rock without knowing what or who it was."  R Bell


Sandra said...

Cutting away those branches made me happy, I like seeing my big rock there. And from the size of it I would think it has been sitting right there for a very long time. Off to the airport this morning, I will try and call before I take off to say good bye. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra. Glad you phoned. What an exciting time expecting a baby any minute.
Have a safe journey and give our love the Mary and Michael John, and baby Simone.

All our in my prayers.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Very wet and cold here. Very excited about our hockey night tomorrow. We are staying on the 47 floor of the Sofitel on Collins street. Ken

beth bennett said...

Wow that sounds excellent Ken. Have a great time. love mom