Thursday, June 20, 2013



Every night we look out to see our little lights glowing.  Glowing in the darkness.  I glance at the newspaper and again there is a story of chaos and disaster.  I hope that the change that is desperately needed and that people are willing to die for,  will happen.  It is hard to be hopeful when the news seems so negative. I am hopeful that the Taliban and \the\\U.S. will find a peaceful political solution to end 12 years of war.

The morning is wet and dull. The news says it is windy and rainy in Edmonton but I do not know about back east,  I go for my walk in the wet steady rainfall.  The fire truck passes me and I want to jump up and wave and say "hey look at me now!"

I am hopeful the sun will shine and we will be able to sit outside again for lunch..  Although today is visiting day so I plan my day around this.  In  the morning I visit Mrs. G. as we have discontinued our walking especially now she works in her garden and gets out once a day and that is enough.
Then over to the Home with the milkshahe.
Yesterday dad and I had fun helping people pick out books at the strawberry Tea. The best part is visiting with some dear old friends.  We came home with a small box full and spent our last penny.  There are two books on China for Carol and two Swedish mysteries for Sandra.  I bought Jane Goodall's book "Reason For Hope"  Also bought dad's one donation back with a dollar.  He has only had it for a year so I hope he will finish it.

We crabbed a quick bite when we got home and skyped Mary and Michael-John, Sandra and Simone.  She sure looks adorable and surrounded by lots of love..  Grama Sandra will be busy trying all her new little outfits on her.  I can just see it now.  On with one outfit and then Oh time for a change and on goes another!

It is wonderful that Sandra can be there and also Michael's mom Jean. 
I thought Gama Jean looked well and very happy too.

Simone was moving around a lot and of course cannot hold her head up so a little hard to get a picture.  I put some on last night from Skype.

Today Jane is having cataracts removed so I hope and pray all goes well.

"There is reason to hope if we continue to value human compassion,:  address evil and work for change and maybe then we can overcome anger and the need to conquer others with our beliefs or our superiority.

Every Sunday morning when the scriptures are read we are reminded to discover the hopefulness, in the words we are listening to, they are a gift, that through study and discussion we can learn to live. lAt the end of the service the minster declares go out and live what you believe.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I never seem to stay up late enough to see my little lights. Im trying not to think about the fact I have to leave. Live in the moment. And of course in a couple of months I get to do this again with Stephen and Shawna.