Friday, June 14, 2013



A lovely sunny morning on Thursday.

I started going through books and cards and pictures but there is an unwillingness to throw or give  them away.  Am I guilty of coveting and greed or just clutter.  So many items have meaning beyond what is on the surface.  I will take my time going through all the old cards so it will take days I expect.

Yes, I still like getting cards and still like bringing home books from the library and also buying a few.

Sometimes there is an unwillingness to let go of the past but remembering the good times is important.

Sometimes it is hard to admit you cannot do what you use to do and accept what you can do.

I am unwilling to let the expectations of others to set my pace in  my life.

Sometimes it is difficult to look at life differently and change our values and our goals.

Dad and I shared the car as I went visiting and he went on to the lumber store and the timing worked well so that was excellent.  I always like it when he drives as I am a nervous driver.  Found out the people at the Home had all been sick like me so maybe \I caught it there.

So our lives consist of what we are willing to do and also what we are unwilling to do.  There is a knock at the door while I am sorting my mess and I am thinking what a nuisance do I have to answer?
So I understand  sometimes one does not feel like answering the door.

I believe that God is willing to pour his love into our hearts and our unwillingness to accept it is the greatest problem.  I know that I have had glimpses of this love and that I want to continue to receive and believe.

It is raining this morning but I am always willing to walk rain or shine.


Sandra said...

I think anything(which in reason) that makes your heart happy is worth hanging on to. If we can not walk in the front door because of so many cards then you might want to declutter. Did you see my post on yesterday's blog, Mary is in labour? Started around 5 am. Just little ones so far.

beth bennett said...

Yes I saw it and thinking of you all. Praying for a safe delivery and a healthy baby and lots of joy for all. love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Such an exciting time for all! A new great granddaughter.Please let us know when Simone arrives, Beth. How many grand and great grandchildren will this make? Glad to hear you are out doing your visits must be getting stronger. We are having strong storms here...rain and thunder. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes very exciting it will be hard to sleep to-night.

Our fourth great grandchild and 18 grandchildren I think I have lost count.

Dull and cold here today. Yes, doing better but taking things slow and lazy.

Hope your weather is improving.
love beth.