Friday, June 7, 2013


Groovy Grannie gets back into the grove
It takes an effort to get back into my routine again.  Doing better at my walk but rested up when I returned home.  Then dad and I went shopping to check out the new Target Store.  Lots of friendly workers but not many shoppers.  Nothing special about that store that I could see and we sure miss the little coffee shop that Zellers had.  Very reasonable and a good place to meet up with friends.
I drove to the Seniors home without any near collisions., that I was aware of.  Lots of road work which is annoying but I guess it always needs to be done.  It was good to catch up with some of my old friends at the home.  Very sad to hear that Pierre a sweet gentleman had passed away.  Even Jim was glad to see me as he said he had been worried about me.  He is not doing to well and I feel sad as I leave him.
Later we had a family gathering at Sandra and Randy's with Kim and Carol.  As I sit in their lovely back yard on suck a warm and pleasant evening I wonder how much longer they will be there, but I realize that it is time for them to move on.
Letting go of attachments, whatever they happen to be, means at times relinquishing  not only articles and possessions but also our  future and trusting God to show us the way. 
 Letting go of the known and moving forward towards the unknown.
Meeting Cathy for coffee have not seen her in months.  Lots to catch up on.
"Your speech and behavior basically sent this message:  this is who I am.
I came into this world with an inner calling to fulfil a destiny that will never be silenced."
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
                   Kindness and selflessness and humility open the way to happiness.

Raining lightly as I walk behind bobbing umbrellas of all colors and shapes.


Sandra said...

Yes, we are both comfortable with the decision to move. Now, if only someone will buy it so we can get going! Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I agree about Target..their women's clothes were garish in colours and styles...there weren't many people shopping. So your family evolves, with homes and careers, new life coming to be...all exciting for for you. Life is amazing isn't it? A beautiful early summer day here...birds singing, flowers finally growing well. Waiting for my piano student to come and then the foot care nurse. Then going to work in the studio to finish my collage painting of Victoria Beach, my home. I hope you and Larry have a great day too. Love Nancy