Friday, June 14, 2013


These pictures are from Thursday morning;   Friday morning was wet and dull. Waiting for our fourth great grandchild. Yes Mary and Michael John are in our prayers and thoughts as labour has started.   Had a wee chat with the young lady before she went to have a nap and the next stage begins.

Today will be  quiet day for me but not for dad he is building a bigger step out to the garage so it will be safer.  He is happy building things.  I am happy just being quiet and recharging some of my spiritual energy.  I want to experience more of  God's love and be anchored in this with deeper commitment because life can be difficult and demanding.  Yes, I  feel we do live in uncertain and confusing times and that the gospel contains help,  for me,  to understand and practice moments of quiet and mystical reality.

Certainly on my walks and in my garden and in my quiet morning times  I start out with the best of intentions to be patient and kind but am painfully aware of how often I fail..  It is helpful for me to meditate on the words of Jesus and remember his healing touch has the power still today

This is just a few of the containers and boxes which were filling up the closet.
Yes, the closet was filling up to overflowing with boxes of different sizes full of cards and old letters and pictures.and taking up far to much room.  It was very heart-warming to read the cards etc. and look at old pictures.
We have too many books too but I guess we could buy some new book cases like some in our family do.
Carol and Panteli have Morgan sleeping over for the week-end.  We were invited to join them for supper.  We thought the freeway would be quicker because No. 10 was backing up but that was a big mistake.  Traffic slow right to a stop because of only one lane and then three lanes merging into the one.  We ended up having to go through the tunnel twice before we got on the right road again.  When we got there who should be in the elevator but Morgan Carol which was a happy surprise.
Morgan will have a special day going to the aquarium to-morrow.
We arrived home to hear from Randy that Mary is in the hospital having a baby!
I am reading about two  monks one in a monastery and one out in the world at the moment.  One is Thomas Merton and the other Wayne Teasdale.  Two mystics I am comparing.
The words of Matthew 25:34 remind us of the importance of serving others and that a cold of cup of water can be a great blessing.  (maybe that includes milkshakes)  certainly he would be counted as the least of the brethren of Jesus.  Daily I ask how does what I believe affect my life and the lives of others?
There is a Voice that tells each one of us "You are my beloved child".
"We are all outer monks with the potential for inner transformations."  Even in a monastery there can be clashes of personalities, discontent and unhappiness.  Some even have minds that are filled with doubts.   So no matter where we live and try to do God's will there will be challenges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm very sure that a milkshake could be equal to a cold cup of water.

I can't imagine the frustration of having to go through the tunnel twice!

Wonderful news about Mary and Michael-John's baby arriving.

