Sunday, June 16, 2013


Yes the cards arrived in time and the comments meant a lot to dad.  Yes, we hurry through life and often forget to take the time to speak from our hearts.

Seeing Michael John with his precious little Simone brings back many precious moments.  The birth of a child is also the birth of a father ,probably one of the toughest roles he will undertake.
Carol joins us at the Sylvia Hotel after her and Morgan had an exciting day at the aquarium.
We hardly ever complain but there were several things that were cold, the coffee to start with and the fish and chips that followed.  The staff was very apologetic but the place just did not seem the same on Saturday when we were there, but the up side was having a visit with two beautiful young ladies!
There are so many moments that touch our lives and linger in our minds long afterwards.

Times change and so do we all.  Bringing a child into this world is a major life changer.

I remember my dad as the one who built my first doll house, who took my hand as we crossed the street, who praise my good marks and encouraged me to be a reader like he was; and there was also his love of music and singing.  He could play the piano by ear and would love to belt out the hymns at church.  I also love music and singing and expect to be in a heavenly choir one day.

I know he would have loved to be an artist rather than a clerk at the C.N. Railway where he worked to provide for us.  He would start painting after he retired.  Looking back I can appreciate things I took for granted.
Then came the teen-age years and he became seriously  angry  when I stayed out too late and of course worried him.  I thought he was too strict and old-fashioned. 
Later he would walk me proudly down the aisle when I got married and showed an interest in all my children.  Both he and mom were fond of your dad so that was very good.

Later I would be the one to hold on to him as his legs got more feeble and I was the one who read to him as his eye-sight failed and I would listen to his stories about his paintings and his childhood,  Yes, I am sure that he had hopes and dreams for me just as every dad has for his children.
Our relationship had it's ups and downs but I knew I was loved and I am thankful for my dad for being who he was and doing his best to help me become a good person. 
Yes, we both had our faults and made mistakes but with the changing of time they were unimportant and forgotten.
Yes, I would listen more carefully if I had it to do all over again.  Love was expressed in actions not so much in words.

Picnic at Centennial Beach Today.  Sunny but cool.  Dad's skin cancer on his face is bothering him and his eyes are sore so I will be going to church alone.


Sandra said...

You are up early today. Yes Michael john is starting a whole new phase in his life changes everything. Will be heading to the hospital at noon, more pictures to follow.,

larry bennett said...

Yes it is amazing how time and maturity can make one appreciate, and yes even better understand the difficulties of ones parents, and the way they displayed their love.

It is beautiful to see the love and memories you express for your Father.
When I was a little boy of seven and eight my Father lost his only two brothers in the war- his Grandfather - and his father. My Father was only 27 at the time, I now realize how devastated he must have felt, and how it affected the rest of his life. My father and I we very close, I still miss him!

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot it was Canadian Father's Day again. Usually I watch the USA open golf which reminds me , but this year I have missed the golf. Hope you have / had a nice day . Love you Dad.

Shawna said...

Grandma, I especially loved what you talked about in regards to your father in your blog today! I think everyone has fond memories of their parents and hold them in a special place in their heart!

Happy Fathers Day Grandpa! I hope you had a wonderful day! Love you!