Sunday, June 9, 2013


                So thankful to have so many good memories and for the goodness that surrounds us all.

I was thinking how hard is must be for people with less-than-ideal health and the difficulty knowing that there will never be complete healing.
 Dad and I both did not feel like doing much yesterday.  I know especially as we get older there will be more health problems so I do try to keep active and walk everyday even when it is cold and gray like yesterday. We both had naps and then went off to the library, afterwards dad washed the car and I did a little in the garden.
Talked to my brother Brian and Traudel and they are having serious health problems.  She has edema in her lymph nodes under the arm where she had surgery.  This will not heal.  She will likely be on the blood thinner the rest of her life.  Brian has developed asthma probably from  worry  and  stress.  They are thankful for the good health they have had as we all must be thankful.  Prayer has strengthened them both continues to be a   most important part of my life.

This ministry  of the church  is to build community that cares and shares in prayer and in reaching out to help especially those who are sick and lonely.  We need to hear about the goodness and mercy of God that Jesus personified.

"The highest vibrating thought that will always keep us strong is the energy of love."

 Imperfect but patient with each other is the soil out of which love can grow.

God is Love!   Because us human beings can be nit-picking and rule orientated we have created God  with this image.  Yes the religious leaders at the time of Jesus were guilty of oppressing people not setting them free.

"The love I am speaking of personifies non-being, accessed and incorporated within us from where we originated"
  Rules and control are not necessary if I become aware that I am loved unconditionally.  Each one of us expresses that love in different ways.

The goodness of heavy rain is that it makes the best puddles to splash in  and delights any childlike heart.  When the sun comes then the rainbow fills the sky with awesome color and the power of goodness renews me once again!

Faith colours my world!


Anonymous said...

Faith colours your world with beuty, Hope to see you around noon , We hope the sun will shine for Pat Love Jane, and Jim,

Sandra said...

Is the plan still to skip church so you have energy for tonight? Plan on getting my suitcase packed and ready for Wednesday. Maybe get some gardening in too if I am lucky. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Hard decision.

What time to-night.

Remind Carol.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Queens birthday to you. The are very excited they think there is going to be a party .