Thursday, June 6, 2013


It would seem like butterflies like these flowers.
So delicate and so quick to flutter on by.  Little children are so quick to see things that we adults miss.  Morgan was the first to spy this tiny little butterfly.  We were all delighted just to watch it.
Sitting out in our back yard we see what look like wasps or bees flying in and out of the bird house.  We have missed our little bird family this year.  Oh  a wasp just flew in my window but soon went out again.
Our emotions can also sometimes be as delicate and sensitive and I think that I can grow in life as I see the positive side of difficult experiences.  Maybe it helps to understand why,  but that is not always possible.  I meet people who seem so hurt and bewildered about their lives. Some of them refuse to accept the love and friendship, grace and mercy that is offered to them.
Hell and sin are very difficult words and yet we realize that for some people sin has caused hell in their lives.  This is why forgiveness is so important.  Jesus did not gloss over lightly the ugly side of life but made people face up to it.
"Some agony needs agonizing language."
"Some destruction does make you think of fire."
"Some injustices do cause things to heat up."    -Rob Bell
Jesus was well aware of the system that held people in chains; systems of hierarchies and damming judgements.  There were clean and unclean;  sinner and saved; righteous or useless and depraved.
There is good and bad in all of us.  I think that often the good people do not recognize their goodness and also the same for those who have troubles seeing their faults.
"I've never believed in God. but I do believe in love."  -a quote from a man in the book by Alexander McCall Smith.   "The Forgotten Affairs of Youth."


Anonymous said...

Thank you once again for a sensitive blog l marvel at your ability with words to make me see more in the ordinary things of life. love. Jane .

Sandra said...

Is was another hard day to go to work. It is nice to wander around in my garden in the morning looking to see what has grown over night. I will be doing that soon in Mary's garden. I will be sure to take Simone out with me too. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, a budding gardener for Grandma? Your closeness to nature is always inspiring Beth...bees and butterflies...I find God there the simplest of places. Just am finishing a naturalist painting of Victoria Beach...filled with smaller vignettes of our various beaches and a border of flowers, berries, bees, dragonflies and wildflowers..oh yes a hairy woodpecker on a birch tree. It seemed to take forever to paint..but now can go to the printers and then on to sales! Now to do another for the Grand Beach area...may be for the new doctor's office. Glad to hear you are gaining in strength..Love to you both, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jesus realized that people were in chains to the religious hierarchy of his day! Right on Mom!

