Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I am having trouble with my computer but was amazed that this picture went on
Let us know when you have planned to come..
The picture is of Jesse holding Mathew and Melina with Jasmine, the Aussie Bennett's

All nature communicates truth to us all the time
we just need to pay attention.

 Sitting on the front porch I see a spider weaving it’s web in perfect symmetry, I feel the gentle presence of the wind, the brightness and warmth of the sun, and a little caterpillar slowly crawling across the path. 

All reminds me of the importance of faith in a world beyond what I am experiencing.  There is a power that transcends my understanding that has designed all that I am reflecting on.

The funniest thing happened Tuesday morning.  There was a lady on the C.B.C talking about the possibilities of future earth quakes and I think the cats must have been listening.  There have been no cats today at all.  No black and white cat by the pond, no orange cat strolling by the front door, no gray cat climbing on the fence, no black cat hiding under the car across the street.  Animals can sense changes in nature evidently before we do. 

It is late afternoon and still not a cat in sight.  Strange.

Dad and I were sitting outside when Carol walked in the gate and joined us for a visit.  Another perfect day that had started out threatening to rain but the sun chased the clouds away.  We are listening to easy listening music on our T.V. speakers and enjoying the quietness of the songs,

I had messed up the kitchen making banana muffins but the annoying thing was I did not have the right mixture of flours.  I went ahead anyway hoping they would turn out okay anyway.  Well, they were pretty good almost as good as dad made last year.  He was smart and made sure he had all the ingredients before he started.

I have faith in sacred traditions that have taught us human beings to be generous, kind, forgiving, compassionate and open-minded. 

Why then has faith become so passionate-and so dangerous?

Wed. morning cool and no sign of the sun but it looks promising.  Today is the Strawberry Tea at Colebrook Church.  A very busy day for a energetic few.  That is not me.  I will help at the books but wish I could do more but we do what we can.  I am doing so much better but am being very careful as I know your health can be a fragile thing.  I feel for others who are forced to withdraw from actives and I know that often their talents are not being used as they could be.


Anonymous said...

The cats were probably up to mischief somewhere else.

Are you going to sneak in some of Dad's books into the book stall again this year. Actually, not a bad idea you know: if you've had a book for ten years and you wouldn't pay $1 to buy it again, probably you wouldn't miss it anyway. (I hope this words are never used against me! Ha ha)



Shandel said...

haha Rick that is funny.

Gramma who are the lovely people in the photo you posted?

Interesting about the cats. Cats are funny creatures. Our cat Atlas likes to open all the closet doors. its so

beth bennett said...

The picture is Melina, Ken's wife , and the children are Jesse, Mathew and Jasmine.
Probably taken a year ago.
I could also help Rick find a new home for some of his books.

Sandra said...

Busy day here, Mary had her staples taken out, Simone had a check up at the hospital, Riley had his doggy school, had visitors and Simone had her first bath. But supper did not get made. I worked in the garden instead in the few minutes I had in between.