Thursday, August 29, 2013


Yes the time has flown by and it was time to be off to the airport to catch their first flight to L.A. on West Jet.DSCN0859
DSCN0855Ken a experienced flyer but the stress of flying stand-bye is very high. I am hopeful they can catch a flight out of L.A. towards home.

Jasmine is a typical 3 year old who is full of mischief .  She is also very curious and loves to climb so that nothing is too high for her to reach.  Hopefully we will find a few things she may have hidden!  Or we may have replaced!

Matthew  loves to color with great intensity and does a good job and he knows all about dinosaurs and loves animals.
One of many hugs good-bye
Our last good-bye at the airport.

I left in tears!
Our journeys continue!


Sandra said...

Saying hello is much more fun then saying good bye. We are fortunate that Kenny is willing to pack up his family and come all this way to come and visit us. Every Skype session will be more "real" now having met them all in person. Still dont know why everyone just cant stay put! Sandra

Shawna said...

I love all of the pictures Grandma!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shawna. I hear Lincoln is all ready to be born. You are in my heart and my prayers.
love grama

Anonymous said...

Well we made it , went via Sydney, 33 hours later and we are home ,minus Jesse's suitcase . There was heaps of confusion at LAX , with flights delays and passengers being moved to earlier flights. The kids both slept well , at least 8 hours. Jesse was in business class so I assume he slept ok. Melina the kids and I sat in premium ecy class, better than ecy but no sleeper beds. We had split seats ,so a nice Scottish lady swapped seats with Melina so I sat next to Matthew and Melina slept next to Jasmine. Nice to be home . Thank you to my family for all the efforts in making this an truly enjoyable vacation.
Love Ken and Melina