Monday, August 5, 2013


Sometimes the vibrations in our brains actually seem to work and connect and now a days that is a real surprise. The computer is also now working thanks to dad's brain and perseverance and a little
suggestion from Delta Cable.  The best part was that we got the mess of wires cleaned out from behind our computer.

Dad and I had a quiet day on Sunday.  Good to have Daniel our minister back, and also to see Jane and Geof. in church.  For me the church affirms the reality of God's presence in our lives, in our understanding and in our emotions.

Later we had a good long talk with Ken and Jasmine said hello with her adorable little voice.

Dad is now trying to get his radio to work.that hooks into the inter-net.

Monday a holiday here.  Dad and I will be visiting Eileen.

The vibration of all life started in nature where creation took form.  God, who in love, created by the Word and the Spirit our world.  Maybe there was a power that had been restrained and was now set free like a holy wind to bring all that we know and see to life.
DSCN0342There is something about being near the water
or walking in the forest or just feeling the freshness of the air, or looking at the beauty of a flower

We see, we hear and we taste and our thoughts create an inner sense of being who we are and yet being part of the grandeur and mystery of all life.

“The human mind is like a computer base connected to a giant data base.  The data base is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is merely an individual expression, but with roots in the common consciousness of all mankind.  This data base is the realm of genius which is merely a higher vibration."  -Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book Power Versus Force.

Just think of all the waves that are operating on vibrational frequencies that we cannot see, smell or touch.  Prayer may well be an invisible energy vibration that approaches the faster frequencies of the spirit all the way to God.  I believe that as we seek to find truth Jesus does become that door to this reality.

Although we are all influenced by what we read or see, or have been taught or have experienced as we mature we start to choose our own path.  The parables, which we may have trouble understanding, are to break our rigid laws and walk us through some of our feelings that continue to vibrate within us.

So what am I doing while dad is restoring our computer back to normal I am playing with toys. 
Yes, they are all washed and cleaned, ready and waiting.  Some Sandra gave me and others I have purchased.


Anonymous said...

Yes, if prayer and God are things something similar to vibrations (like music), rather than an old man on a cloud, then we must admit that God doesn't "care" about the rains and floods and storms and death and disaster, anymore than a song cares. This is not as bleak an idea as it may seem at first glance. And, of course, it undercuts all the religious fanatics/priests who say people must kill other people because they wear the wrong clothes, eat the wrong foods, pray the wrong way, etc., etc.

So, yes, prayer and god may be more like music than anything else.



Anonymous said...

l wouldn't mind having a discussion with you Rick. You have some interesting ideas, Yes god may be like music but music is full of feelings that the creator of the music was feeling and able to express in such a way that we can relate to it , also the person that plays the music puts some of their self into the interpretation, and when we sing with the music or dance to the music we can become one with the music. .What inspires the composer.? Handel's Messiah was written in 18 days. God is a mystery which we poor little humans cannot fully comprehend but most of us are aware of god in some form and wish to relate to it/her/ him.Your fellow searcher . Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I agree with you,Jane. A talk with Rick would be very interesting! He certainly has a different way of looking at the great mystery of who God is. I like the books he recommends to read regarding faith.

Beth, can I come play house with you? Your toys look like so much fun...especially Sylvester.

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you for all your comments it sure makes it fun.

Yes Nancy you come and play with us. One thing I really enjoy doing.
love beth

Anonymous said...

Matthew is very excited seeing all the animals. Jasmine too. Everyone is sick again ,eggghhhh . Hopefully last colds before we board the plane next Tuesday morning. Ken