Monday, August 12, 2013


This picture is from the wedding shower and Sandra is pointing something out to me. She is probably telling me where my glasses are, or my purse or my camera. I am so thankful that she continues to do this because I do  lose things and get things mixed up and I got the day wrong of Ken and Melina’s arrival.  Dad and I will now look at the schedule.  Yes, Tues. is the 13 and that is their arrival time.  No problem driving to the airport with the car seats.  Should we meet at the car rental place?

Sorry to hear Melina has a sore throat at this stressful time
and busy time but  we are so looking forward to seeing them.  We do so appreciate the effort and the expense  of such a long journey with the three children.  Your are n our prayers.

We do want this to be a wonderful adventure for us all.  Yes, dad’s feet are not good but a visit will do wonders.  We will be looking at new treatment to help with the pain.

I did go to church and so thankful I did.  Later Sandra dropped by but we did not get the scooter as dad wants to try other things first.  She informed me that Tuesday was the 13.  What would I do with out the help of family?

Carol and Panteli were so good to take time to come over and bring us supper.  First Carol and I had gone to winners and to Chapters.  My gift certificate was burning a hole in my pocket, no actually my brain. 

We had not even started supper when the phone call came that Eileen’s condition was worsening.  We quickly ate and then left for the Hospice.  She is having trouble breathing and is getting much weaker and she was gently told that her time is short.  We can know something is going to happen and yet it is painful when we know for sure.  I had a little prayer with her and it seemed she was calmer when our visit ended.  A anxious time for me.

I diI also prayed for Panteli's dad and mom and it is good news to hear he is doing so much better.
I will be thinking of those on our prayer list and be praying on the run.
Dad and I will go in to-morrow and we will ask our minister to visit Eileen as she has asked for a minister.  We did not phone last night as we thought it best not to bother him on a Sunday.

It is a wonderful thrill to be a grandmother and now get to meet my new
grandchildren for the first time.  Our love for them has grown since they
were first born and became an important part of our lives.

Grandma's are people who take great delight in hearing babies breath
and make noises over the phone.
Grandma's love to cuddle.

Grandma's are good at sitting on the floor to play
but have a hard time getting up again.

Both Carol and Sandra are amazing grandmothers!

I think they plan to stop by on Tues. after work but it will be depend
on how everyone is feeling.

Have a safe journey and cannot wait to see everyone yes on Tues.


Sandra said...

Hmm, I was looking at a dinasor book at value village but did not get it. Early to bed last night as Randy was home and taking a break today. I think he worked 2 weeks straight. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Simone is growing like a weed! She will seem so big once everyone meets her but she will be happy to see everyone. October can't come soon enough. :)


Anonymous said...

What an exiting time this is for your family , so amy comings and goings and special occasions,however l know l would find it exhausting and would have to find some quiet time for myself. l am very envious of all your great grandchildren and all the young ones and babies although l am not all that good at full responsability for them anymore. We leave for our Alaska cruise and l am really looking forward to it . Good to sit with you in church, Love Jane

Anonymous said...

forgot to say it is Wedensday that we leave for Alaska Jane

Anonymous said...

Ok half the family up , (5am). Leaving soon for airport. Don't forget the baby car seats . We will see you at the airport then you can meet us at the rental car place ?.. Enterprise I think.9051 BECKWITH RD, RICHMOND, V6X1V7, BC
See you soon .leave VIber on today and tomorrow as it will most likely be my means of communication.

Anonymous said...

At airport , customs, immigration ,hungry , thirsty ... Dramas .....
But all is good. Don't forget car seats

Anonymous said...

Wow - such a big endeavour getting all the munchkins in and off of airplanes and airports and all of that.

It's good we are now clear on the date of arrival!

