Tuesday, August 13, 2013


                   It feels good to "melt" into and absorb the beauty of the early morning.  As I take a big breath in I believe that the light from outside penetrates within me.  There is an awareness of a spiritual reality and a sense of the mystical.  I receive the gift of the moment and the future moments.
I am so glad I went to church to not only hear the words but receive the spirit of Daniel's message.

Yes I have had a few different kinds of meltdown experiences.  An emotional experience.
Liked the meltdown at the airport today when dad and I Will first see Matthew and Jasmine and Jessie with Ken and Melina.  Sandra has now corrected me because it sounds like they are already here.  No it is about 2 this Tues. afternoon.

Then their our the emotional ones like at weddings.  I know if I was at Leah’s I would feel the same overwhelming emotion of happy tears I felt at all the family marriages.  And there have been all kinds from simple ones at the registry office to the more traditional ones.

I have also had meltdowns where I lost my cool, but don't we all do that at least once in our lives.

My children have all survived and I am so proud of them all.  How wonderful that our family keeps growing.  How wonderful to have a visit from Ken and Melina and the children.  Rick has to confirm his day and time of arrival.

I am also looking forward to Mary coming at thanksgiving and maybe Shandel and Cameron?

Shouting, crying, arguing, stress and worry,  forgetting and forgiving, sickness or health, laughter and tears  are all a part of living life "out loud" and a part of being human.

I believe in casual living!  If no one feels like cooking we order in, or take out from the deli or make something simple.  Maybe Rick could make some of his famous curry?

No cooking meltdowns!   I want to treasure the moments and listen to all that is being talked about.

"Love with kindness and with no regrets!" 


Shandel said...

How lovely! Yes we will be there at Thanksgiving. I cant wait. :D we booked out tickets a couple of days ago. Arriving on Oct 11 and departing on Oct 14~ :D have a great visit with your current family guest. lots of love. Cant wait to see the photos Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Meltdowns yes we've experienced a few of those the happy ones and the very painful ones all part of life's rich pattern, Do enjoy your family visits it is wonderful that we can travel half way round the world in a day but it does upset the biological clock particularly for little ones , they usually take a while to adjust . melatonin can help adults l have found it useful. We are looking forward to our Alaska holiday, we should be back on th 21st. Aug. Blessings and love, Jane

Sandra said...

Are they here already? Randy had a tiny melt down when I told him last night I plan on taking the dogs to the beach in my new car right away. But, my life is more important then my possesions so lets get the car christening over and done with so it can become just a vehicle, same as my current one. Sandra

beth bennett said...

No Sandra they are not here already.

Jane I hope you have a wonderful trip. We have a lot to catch up on.

Blessings and love to you all too

love beth

beth bennett said...

Up date on Cousin Eileen. She is now in the last stage and is on a lot of medication. Hard for her to talk or to think. Not sure why she wanted a minister but I told her God is a forgiving God and he loves her and is with her.
Daniel held her hand and she talked about her family. Very appreciative of Daniel's company.
We may get a call anytime and not sure if her son will go if they call.
Say a prayer for her,
love beth

Anonymous said...

Trip from hell( not over yet -lax stop over 5 hours ) Jasmine and Matthew fell asleep 5 mins from touch down. Jasmine was up around the cabin All night . Matthew was good , Jesse was good. Melina had a migraine and vomited half flight. So I being very tired after a week of 3am starts had to stay awake and look after Jasmine ( stop her from pressing the lflight attendant call button) and about 20'trips to the toilet...

beth bennett said...

DAD will pick up Melina when we exchange the car seats and Jessie if he wants. Then they can come home and rest.
I think you should all rest for a week.
It may be raining. Rent dvd's and rest.
Travelling with children is no picnic. love mom