Monday, August 19, 2013


“Integrity rings like fine glass.
True, clear and reassuring.:
A beautiful evening after a truly wonderful day!
Good news at the hospital about Jesse.  There are some kidney stones but should be treatable with medication.  Ken and Melina went to Peace Arch with Jessie and received excellent and kind care
with blood examinations and x-rays etc.  He will have further tests when he returns home.  A huge relief for us all.  Now they can go and enjoy their holiday.
Rick arrived first and I will put a picture on later.  He was a good help helping us care for Jasmine and Matthew.  Read them stories and took Jasmine over to the store.  Sandra arrived with her tow black labs and they were the center of attention.  They were having an open house at their home although it appears to be sold but not finalized. 
Theresa and Kim arrived with supper and even made us lunch.  What a treat!  What Beautiful  girls.

Carol arrives from playing baseball being the star of course.


Sandra said...

And we had very interesting conversations about conversations. Your blog was up later today, does that mean you slept in? Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes, I did sleep in. I was awake at 3 but that was too early even for me.
I enjoyed the conversations and Melina and I had a walk and good conversation.
Some pictures disappeared but I am sure it is the computer not me.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Reading all the goings on with the Bennett clan makes me think what a great family you all are....everyone pitches in and helps, making meals, keeping the kids occupied and helping Beth and Larry. Great family pics too. Have fun everyone....Beth and Larry, be sure to rest and not overdo things! Love Nancy