Friday, August 9, 2013


P8092055Which picture is the best?

We enjoyed our visit with Sydney and Kim.  I did not ask but figure they may have been planning a party.
It is a bit too warm for me today but the rest of the family are busy planning parties.
First Sandra drops by to pick up the Gorilla for a jungle birthday party for Adena.  I am thankful she is here as she helps me get rid of the old computer monitor.

After finishing painting the front deck dad took our old computer and old T.V. to the disposable place.  No one was there to help but at least there was no traffic jams as there have been in the past.  It is a small area where people are  trying to drive in and drop off their stuff and then find room to drive out again.
We had planned to visit Cousin Eileen but it was too late after the girls rushed off; the time visiting us had gone by so fast none of us had noticed.
To-morrow all us girls, Sandra and Carol, Theresa and Kim will be going to a bridal shower for Leah.  We are very delighted for her that she is marrying a nice guy like Craig.

I guess everyone was too slow and lazy to comment.


Anonymous said...


nancy-Lou said...

Slow and easy is a great way to be Beth....taking our time now....after a lifetime of hurry hurry and duties to be done! We are slipping in to the retirement mode and it is becoming easier now. We had a 75th birthday party for Carl yesterday, with friends and family. Gosh where does the time go? So glad to read that you can still go for your walk and take pictures for us to enjoy.
Love Nancy