Saturday, August 31, 2013


DSCN0808One of life’s most precious gifts.
Nature is painting for us
day after day
Pictures of infinite beauty if only we had eyes to see.
If only we took time to sit and rest and enjoy!
A little chipmunk busy eating but so far away.

Sometimes I even have time to sit on the bench and think and meditate and pray.

I cannot begin to express or explain the presence of the force that continues to strengthen and guide me.  For me it is relaxing into unconditional love that wraps around and helps me let go of fear and uncertainty.
Rest is healing and so our the words:I love you, I hear you, I miss you.  Can I help you?  Thank you Theresa, and Ben, and Morgan for coming to help me sort through things and get a little organize.  What a wonderful help a few extra hands can be.

 There are many words in the Bible that are healing words.
"The Lord appeared of old unto me, saying,  Yes I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee." Jeremiah 31:3

'I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."  Psalm 121

"For I will restore health unto thee and I will heal thee of all thy wounds: saith the Lord.  Jeremiah 30
Today I need to receive healing emotionally and physically, so I trust that the Lord will keep his word.
Melina receive a blessing when she read in the Bible that her dad would be healed and he was.


“Always hold fast to the present.  Every situation, indeed every moment is of infinite value."

In the bustle of life.  In the pressure of decisions, peace has become a luxury
Take it when it comes, cherish it.  It gives you time to breath.
It gives you rest and hope and life.
-Pam Brown

Good news the Bennett's have arrived home safely! !

Sandra and Randy have purchased their new home.

Sorry about Jesse's suitcase.  Let us know how his health is and if he is still having pain.

Today Saturday we go to an open house for Cathy's 50 birthday.  The family will all be there.
Later go to the art show where Morgan has a picture on display.
Had a short slow walk missing my company but it is a lovely day here,


Sandra said...

And so our work begins. As long as I get over to the new house and this one empty before Shawna goes into labour I will be content. Anything else can wait. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Good plan. I do hope it all works out. Looking forward to seeing you on your birthday,
love mom

Anonymous said...

Ben is reading comics and Grandma and Morgan are still sleeping at 8:00 am. We'll call you later to let you know when we are coming by on our way to the Art Exhibit in North Delta. That is a great doggie toy that Ben rescured from your place yesterday! :)

beth bennett said...

Sounds like a plan.
We go to Cathy and Glen's first at 2 for her 50th.
love beth

Anonymous said...

Jesse bag was located and will be delivered this am. We all went to bed early. I woke at 3am. The kids are awake at 530am.

nancy-Lou said...

Ah yes, Beth, those words, I love you and can I help are music to our ears, aren't they? We both are so blessed in having loving close families...although yours is much larger than ours..only 6 here! I am envious....oh oh, maybe that is a sin? Oh well, then, I much admire how your large family all gets along and share in all you do together. Good job, Larry and Beth and good job, kids. YES, we still call our adult kids, KIDS!

We had a tremendous show of mother nature's talents last night, just after dark...the sky lit up with constant lightening for over an could see almost as in daytime. The accompanying thunder was one constant rumble as if a train was going by, out of control.
There was no damage although the winds were gusting at about 90kms.
We received two inches of rain . All is OK
Finally cooling off and I can breathe again after all that high humidity..
Love Nancy

Shandel said...

great photos. they remind me of the ducks and loons we see on the lake when we do our paddle boarding yoga classes. they are so peaceful and pretty. its nice that they share their space with is.