Friday, April 25, 2014


DSCN2445It is raining. I pull my hat down low over my face and keep my eyes on the ground to make sure of the uneven sidewalk.

I bump into a over hanging cheery tree and just miss the garbage can sitting out to be collected;  but I beat my time back home by 5 minutes.
  Yes, I will be joining the joggers soon.

Wed. Ava came over with Yuri.  We have known Ava since she was 2 and Yuri since he was 2 days old!  He is so cute and asks lots of questions and is good at amusing himself.

Thursday is soon here again.  Poor Jim has a bad toothache now and I offer our help but he refuses.  No money, no transportation and how will he get to the dentist?  The girl I know best is not there and he does not want me saying anything. 
There is a group of them sitting in a area meant for talking and I am now informed that two of them are going to be the waker uppers ; if any of them are caught sleeping there.  This has been agreed upon at their last meeting.  A good idea if people are tired they should go and lie down.
One of the younger men has a truck and lives there for a while and then takes off to Mexico for a holiday.  He asked me if I would like to go with him.  Wouldn't he be surprised if I said yes!
I am mixed up in my days because I couldn't put the pictures on the right day as I had not down loaded them.  Slowly we are getting back to normal.  Dad's feet were complaining    and hurting so he had a quiet day although we did go to Home Depot in the morning.  It rained most of the day with the odd spot of sunshine so not good for working outside.
I feel we should visit Howard to-morrow and then go out and eat.  It is a very dreary place full of sad looking people so it is depressing.  I know Howard responds to our visits and Vera needs a break but it depends on how dad is feeling.
"The value of life lies not in the length of them, but in the use we make of them."  M Montagne


Steady-as-rain said...

What? Considering taking off to Mexico like the beatnick Jack Kerouac! This is hardly great-grandmotherly behaviour!

Where the man with the toothache is, there isn't a social worker? I imagine that Social Services (or whatever it is called) will ultimately help him get the tooth fixes (I shudder to think what kind of society we are if they won't! The social worker at the home, if there is one, could probably contact them.



Sandra said...

I agree with Rick, grumpy guy should not have to have a tooth ache. It is not like those things get better, they just get worse. Sukhi and I did a very quick walk yesterday between rain showers. Randy has taken Saturday off and we are going to go to the police auction and see if we can buy some bikes. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I tried to talk to him about all of this. He should have seen a social worker at the hospital. He just gets mad at me.
The doctor is given him pain pills and his daughter is coming and anything I offered to do offended him.
Good luck getting your bikes Sandra and Randy.
Are you counting the sleeps?
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I can just see you, Beth, bumping along with the joggers...with your cane flying behind you are so funny!
Watch out for those don't want to get poked in the eye.

Soo you are contemplating running off to Mexico with some younger man...hmmmm what does Larry have to say about this? Mexico for the winter months sounds pretty good to me...hmmm what is his name?

Poor Jim, yes the home would be able to see he gets care, but he has to tell them first. Must be a stubborn man. Maybe if he knew he didn't have to pay it would help him make the decision. You could always inquire at the home without divulging his identity and then tell him. Poor guy.

Sorry to hear Larry has foot pain...that is so restricting for him, not being able to walk to far. Carl has the same problem...but it is his arthritic ankle that is destroyed...we see the surgeon May 7th. I hope you feel better Larry.

Did Howard have a stroke? My cousin's lady friend, who he loved with...they are 88 and 90, had a stroke recently and he is devastated. I wish he lived nearby and I could help him...he is my only living relative.

Well the rain has stopped and I think Max and Bella and I will get out for a walk today...we still have winter snow in our yard...but the grass is peeking through.

The quote is very true...our family doctor told us " it is not about the quantity of life, but the quality of life".

Have a good day visiting and lunching out, Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Funny typo...should be lived with...but he does love her too! They have been together for 18 years. He goes every day to the hospital and feeds her. REads to her. She cannot communicate. Poor dear.


beth bennett said...

That was funny Nancy.

Yes Howard has had a stroke, maybe more than one. Vera goes every day too and feeds him. He has been trying to communicate and sometimes we understand him. He smiles and even laughs. Hope the doctor can help Carl. Must be painful too,
love beth