Friday, April 11, 2014


Being a parent can take a lot of wisdom.  It is good for children to have choices.  I believe from the beginning of time this has been God's  plan for us to choose good or evil. 

This was the whole point of not eating the apple (which may or not been an apple) was to give us choices and help us learn from the.  Which we have to do if we wanted to get wise!

Dad and I went to the clinic to wait patiently to see Dr. Nolte. He is now thinking it is nerve damage or muscle weakness.  I do not know exactly but two more appointments to go to and I cannot chancel anything.
As we head out the door I ask him what he thought of a drive to Chilliwack would be good for me.  He suggested only if I had a wheel-chair.  No way I said I have a cane.  Larry hurries me out the door saying come on Honey time to go.  Dr. Nolte says Yes Honey way you go.  One patting me on the bum and the other on my back.

We had a late breakfast out at the White Spot because dad was hungry and we had hurry out first thing in the morning.

I decided I would have a little rest and see how I felt about visiting but then the door bell rang and our neighbor Cathy and dog Murphy came over for a visit.  We have not talked to them in ages as she is working and also taking extra courses.  She is great fun to talk to and it got too late to think about visiting.  It was not a wise thing to be doing anyway.

I was so anxious to leave the hospital I left with the needle for the dye still attached to my arm.  Dad decided to cut the end off so it would not bother me sleeping.  I climb into bed and feel something running down my arm.  It was decided we should pull it all OFF AND HOPE IT WOULD NOT BLEED TOO MUCH.   Dad did a very good job getting it out very quickly

This is the most dangerous thing I do in the forest and it is hiding in the big old tree.  I still can get lost in that place.

Another sunny day and yes we are making progress.  I am to rest and eat hearty! 

Today I will do a short walk before dad is up and then we can have a walk in the forest together. 


beth bennett said...

Thanks for the visit Panteli and hope to see you again today if it words out.
love beth

Sandra said...

I am off today, may drop by this morning. We will see how far I get. Sandra

Shandel said...

i love that photo of you Grandma Beth! i saved it for future printing of more family pictures. That would have freaked me out if i had a needle sticking out of my arm LOL you are brave.
glad to have the tests done, but i am sure it gets tiring. Hope you guys have a lovely weekend.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, you look like a magical princess hiding in that old tree...right out of fairy tales.

Remember the last time you were really sick and in the hospital for a few days..even in the corridor on a bed? Well I don't think you have ever recovered from seems as though you have been becoming weaker..don't you think so? Maybe what you have is related to whatever was wrong at the time? Just a thought...but worth thinking about.

You had me laughing again with your great sense of humour....hmmm I was thinking, I sure hope it was Larry who was patting your bum and the doctor who was patting your shoulder. Otherwise Larry is going to have to have a talk with him. LOL.

oh dear, a needle sticking out of your arm and they let you go. Someone was not doing their job. Sure glad you don't have thin blood or it would have been a trip back to the hospital. Good for you brave guy...many men would faint at the sight! Ahhh husband's Beth, what would we do without them?

Well that was an eventful day. So muscle weakness might be a cause? Maybe you are low in magnesium...over 60% of people are and it is so easy to correct. I take a cal/mag supplement daily. It supports muscle strength. Potassium is important too..especially if you take blood pressure meds. Orange juice is a good source. Dates too.

Well we are expecting 10 - 15 inches of snow tomorrow....crazy, when we have 3 feet still in our yard. It was -12 this morning. We still will go for our walk and each day I extend it a little further.

Take care Beth, don't do too much,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra for the visit. Sorry we were not better behaved and both of us realize it and will try to do better. We are both tired of my health problems.
love mom

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy I have not been quite right since I was in the hospital the last time. No answers with that.
I cannot believe all the snow you are having. Spring must be just around the corner I hope
love beth