Saturday, April 5, 2014


Yes our wiling helper came again and cleaned up for us with cheerfulness and great ability.  It is so good to have her cheerful voice and presence with us.  It means so very much to dad and myself.

Good news my blood tests came back normal.  I am normal!  I think there is no reason to think I have cancer. 
Dad is doing much better and is a great help and also full of wit and wisdom.

I have three books to choose from;

The Case of the Deadly Butter Chicken by Tarwuin Hall . A witty tale about Vira Puri, India's most private detective.  The case he is on leads deep into Pakistan and should be informative as well as witty.

Unsaid is by Neil Abramson about a workaholic husband whose wife dies of cancer and becomes a ghost and leaves him with Cats and dogs and horses and a pig to look after.  It is about morality and the power of love.

The Power of the Brian is wisdom I hope will help me to improve my brain and that seems like it could be helpful.  I am trying to find out what time of day I have the most energy and brain skills.

A good day!


Steady-as-rain said...

No "h" in wit Mom. (I only mention as we don't want spelling errors in the eventual bound and printed edition!)

I am glad that Leah came by to help and visit!

The butter-chicken book sounds good.



nancy-Lou said...

AHH Beth, you are so faithful to your it is again, with fresh new book ideas and great news!

I am so glad that your blood test came back normal, with no sign of cancer. You must be jumping with joy! Larry too!

Isn't Leah amazing....and it is so nice for you not to have to worry about doing the housework. Good for you Leah!

Spring has arrived with strong south winds and the snow is going quickly. The roads are still icy..mainly slush and we will walk up Ateah Rd. to the highway and walk along the paved shoulder. The dogs get quite dirty and require some cleaning up when we get home...but we love our walks and will go anyway!

Most drivers are really respectful of us as we pick our way along the ruts and ice..but some whiz past, splashing us as they rush to get their mail.

Are you still walking in the early mornings? we will start going early once the weather gets hot. Cooler and a lot less people.
It is so beautiful then...the start of the new day. The only thing is....wildlife is active then and we see bears, coyotes and all kinds of animals.

Have a good day...of rest and reading and good fun,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Well, I know I do my best worrying at 2 in the morning, and if my cleaning is not started by 9 am it isn't going to happen. Not sure about regular thinking. Couple of days of hard work ahead for Randy and I. Be glad when I can just sit around the pool and do nothing 5 years from now. Sandra

Shandel said...

Did Randy pass along the book i sent for you?
the case of the butter chicken one does sound interesting!!! i should look that one up.
you have a wonderful day too. and i am glad your tests came back normal. but it is ok to not be normal ;) haha Cameron and i were just talking about that the other day....glad i am not normal LOL

Shandel said...
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Mama Lee said...

I am so glad that you don't have cancer, Beth. I didn't realize that's what you were thinking. Thank the dear Lord.