Saturday, April 26, 2014


Up very early for my walk and am doing so much better.  I feel  awesome!
Dad and I spent most of our time talking to Vera as Howard was fast asleep.  She was so thankful for our visit.  We were glad we had made the effort to go and visit.  I am not feeling so frisky by now and neither is dad.
I was very, very thankful to come home to my nice clean house with the kitchen floor all shiny and bright.  We had not expected Leah to come but it turned out perfectly.  Hope we can help her get her wood cut.  Dad was not at his best yesterday as his feet were sore and he was tired.
I was also thankful to come home and soak in my bath tub.  What a luxury!
This is the garbage can I bumped into and this is the tree branches that hang down over the sidewalk and catch me by surprise on my rainy morning on Thursday.


I plant some different flowers in my window boxes because they come up every year.  Maybe not a good idea?

Come home to find the cat on my car.  He sure makes himself at home.

Dad soaked his feet in the morning as they are very painful right now.  Too much walking around Costco and Home Depot and working in the yard.  He really needs some help or else needs to take a break.

We keep forgetting we cannot do what we use to do. 

We did go visit Howard and Vera and after dad enjoys

 hockey and I am reading.

"Religious faiths are inevitably systematized, refined and tried by the deployment of reason.  But their origin and source is not rational either.

Rather faith is born of an awareness.  Its wellspring is not logic but life!"
Mark Vernon from the book of Big Questions about God.


Sandra said...

You went out and left all of your doors unlocked. I came by after the naturopoth and had a wander though your house and garden. No cookies or plants were lost on this visit though. We are off to the police auction early, so I will walk the dogs and then wake up Randy. Sandra

beth bennett said...

What time was this?
Help yourself to cookies or plants. I am mixed up on arrival dates again. When is everyone coming and going?
I would have liked your advice on our newest project.
Dad needs help with some sawing for Leah. Can you ride your bikes over?
love mom.

beth bennett said...

Did you lock the doors?

Anonymous said...

I'm at a meeting in Langley campus from 9:00-3:00 on Monday, and will come by around 4:00 if Grandpa can wait that long for help with cutting wood.
See you then! Panteli

Shandel said...

Grandma Beth, yesterday after Cameron and i got home from out Boot camp fitness class he went and had a nice long bath to soak his sore muscles and when he came out of the bedroom all fresh and relaxed he said I FEEL SO AMAZING hahah. You two were surfing the same energy wave yesterday.
Fitness sure pays off but there are a lot of bumpy hard roads to take first.
Sorry to hear about Grandpa and his sore feet, my dad also experiences sore feet and they are on the road to tests to find out why....
I bet you are all getting so excited for everyone to come visit. enjoy!!!! have a beautiful weekend.
Sandy, Cam and I were thinking of getting some bikes too, and i want to learn to skate board. haha that might be a bad idea but i have always wanted to.

craig decraene said...

Did grandpa book an appointment with Jacob yet

nancy-Lou said...

What a wonderful and caring family you all are! Concerns about locking the house...about health and appointments and offers of help! Beth and Larry, you must be pretty darned special to have all these people watching out for you.
I feel sorry for friends who have had no children and now they are in their golden years and feel very much alone.
We are fortunate that our sons live nearby and help out whenever we need it.
My son, Bob just came to help me connect an internet radio I bought to my router...he is my computer guru...oh oh not right, I will say wizard! How the devil do you spell that anyway?

Beth that is wonderful to hear the word awesome in how you are feeling...absolutely wonderful. Good for you...I am sure you will get stronger every day.

We too watch hockey...pulling for the only Canadian team left, Montreal Canadiens.

We had a lovely surprise visit with Carl's Aunt and Uncle...they are 86 and 88 and still doing very well...they are so darned funny..humourous!
Love Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Leaving the doors unlocked is much better than locking oneself out.



beth bennett said...

That is true to all your comments!
love you
Grandpa is not going to book an appointment as he feels Jacob cannot help him. We will talk to Leah again and see what she thinks.