Saturday, April 12, 2014


 A perfect afternoon to walk over to the Post Office.  I am late sending a letter to my distant cousin in Australia.  She is nearly blind so cannot read a letter anymore.  Her life revolves around her dog and occasional visits by her daughter.

P4100808I talked to my feet as I go.  Okay you two behave, walk slow, and keep on the path.  The girl at the Post Office is a lovely East Indian girl who wears a head covering.  She always welcomes me with a smile.

Beside the Post Office is the Tea Room where we went with Jane and Geof.  The cherry trees are so beautiful.  The sky was bluer than blue.  I have even taken my Long underwear off but may need it again if the mornings get cold again.

Since I walk more slowly and carefully I do not warm up like I use to.

On the way I meet my Chinese friend who only walks in warm weather. 
She is a little sad after visiting family in China and so pleased to talk with me again.

                                                   Some of my favorite trees.



I stop and talk to neighbors Ron and Dona (easy to remember their names.  They are a warm happy couple who sit at the end of their drive-way and drink a glass of wine.  This is the sunniest spot in their yard.  They love to tell me about their 2 year old grand daughter so I boast about all my grand children and my own children who have been so good to me.

My walks are very important to me and are healing even though tiring.

I will not be doing any visiting for awhile although it was great when dad and I could go together.

So I have my CAT scan on Wed. of my stomach and bowels  and see an internist about muscle strength the next day, who will certainly send me for new tests.  We are so fortunate we do not have to pay and  we have a good doctor and we are fortunate we have each other. 

Important to be sensitive to each other.  Some nights I do not sleep that well and that when worries grow as big as the biggest monster!  So I go for a walk and chase him away!

Sandra paid us a visit and both Carol and Ken phone.  You all make a great difference in our lives!


Sandra said...

So did you and dad come to a compromise then about the visiting? I did my grocery shopping, stopped at Winners, did not buy anything, just got grumpy, so then I stopped at the nursery and bought 2 plants. Puttered in the garden, I need some muscles to do more and Randy was intent on getting the staining done so I have to wait until Sunday. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I get grump shopping for clothes too.

I would like to maybe do one a week or something because it makes me feel good about myself and I know how sick people feel. I also know how dad feels that I need to take care of myself.

Enjoy your day.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

You are funny! Telling your feet to behave themselves! They must have listened, you arrived safely and back home safely too! Good feet!

I know you like to walk and get the exercise. but have you thought of renting a little scooter until you are stronger? We missed our walk today because it is just too messy...wet snow has made the roads muddy and little dogs come home a real mess...soo we will walk tomorrow. It is supposed to be really cold all week, at least the wet stuff will freeze.

I am sure you will be glad to get the CAT scan over with and get some good results back. I hope the internist can help out too. Carl has an excellent internist at St Boniface Hospital. He is the head honcho and saved his life a couple of years ago. The most gentle, caring doctor. He is from India.

Well we are going to watch The Hobbit movie tonight.

Take care, rest and don't will all work out just fine! Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks like nice weather there for the next two,days. Second to last Canucks game on now. Such a. Disappointment this year. I still don't feel the best , very lethargic , could go back to bed right now but have to start work in two hours.