Saturday, April 19, 2014


What happened to those big strong fishermen who had felt so special being chosen to be “fishers of men”?  They had declared they would follow him anywhere but not to this shameful death. 
What had happened to their bold and courageous leader who healed and talked and had swept them into new possibilities and dreams of a new kingdom of freedom.  He had made them bold and invincible against rulers and authority.

We all have many bridges to cross and new battles to fight.  Jesus had tried to tell his disciples that he was going to die and leave them.  They appear to not listen.  They did not want to believe they would be left alone to carry on his mission.

All his talk about character and fighting battles for the homeless, the poor and the sick and demented had now put them in a place of losers and cowards.  Death had robbed them of their future and their faith.

What defines me or you, what shapes our lives, what supports us,
what transforms us to move on even when the times are dark and hopeless?
What do I or you do when our hopes and dreams have vanished into despair and emptiness?

The sun comes up and the birds sing but we are deaf and blind.  We are in the valley of the shadow of death.  These disciples feared for their own lives and self-pity crushed their spirits.  They should have been prepared after all the experiences they had shared and all the miracles they had seen.  Love never dies and lives on in each one of us!

Saturday was a quiet day for dad and I working in the yard.  Dad is excited about the changes he is making.  He has taken down part of the old rotting fence and I think it is going to transform our little back yard.  Our health problems are shoved aside for now.  Dad is enjoying the playoff hockey and I enjoyed some reading today as well as gardening.

 Life is full of uncertainties and unpleasantness that is often out of our control.  A sense of humor always helps as does prayer.

I think if my faith is vibrant and alive will sustains me and  shape my life! 

Jim is back at the Senior's home so dad and I will have a short visit and then a visit to see Howard.  Leah is going to be doing some nursing care for Howard and Loraine Vera's daughter is working out a schedule.  Yes, we will get a mild shake.

Easter is coming!  !  !


Sandra said...

Wasn't there a hydrangea there? I see the hosta has been trampled as well. Looks like you are working in your yard as much as we are in ours. Sandra

larry bennett said...

Yes I have little control over my gardener. He is busy and happy. He will remove the hosta today.

I may try to go visiting.
Slow short walk to save energy!

love mon

larry bennett said...
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Steady-as-rain said...

Glad Dad is enjoying the project in the backyard. It is like when he did such a good job rebuilding the balcony at the Panorama ridge house (still miss that balcony!)

Studying the 100 years after Jesus died is very interesting. Lots of battles about gentiles and all that. In my view, most of the things wrong with Christianity got started in that direction in that era.



beth bennett said...

I not only wrote on dad's computer it went on twice.

Rick did you get a new book? I saw one about that stuff at Chapters but did not get it.

They do not have Tilly-Winks which was by a Canadian writer and written up in the Sun.

Nothing seems to change in our world for the most part but there are still many good people.

Love mom

Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter from Australia. Kids not up yet . Easter bunny has been and left eggs in the yard . Jasmine and Matthew very excited. We will do egg hunt and breaky here then drive to Nonna's for the big egg hunt with the other Kids then a big Easter lunch. I have to go to work at 1445 so I will miss lunch.

nancy-Lou said...

WOW...Larry really means business, he is making a lot of changes in your yard. I will enjoy seeing progress pictures!

I sure wish I could get out in my yard...but woke up to about 2 inches of ice and slush in the yard this morning...on top of what snow remains. But it feels a lot more like spring...that cold north wind is gone! I actually heard the first robin of this spring singing when I let the dogs out this morning. Cold, ice and snow and he was singing...there is hope!

What are you doing for Easter Day? Church and then Easter Supper at Sandra and Randy's house? We are having our EAster supper on Monday, so Bob can go to his girlfriends home tomorrow. Ham and scalloped potatoes.

How nice of you to take Jim a milkshake....even though he is a grouch! Don't do too much now, take care and rest,
love, Nancy

Shandel said...

great quotes on your blog these past couple days, i am catching up! we are very much enjoying our long weekend. So fun.
Glad to see you are enjoying it too. its ok to take a break from the worry of life. enjoy it. be it. live it.

thanks for the insightful words and for your passion for faith. i enjoy it very much