Friday, April 4, 2014



I would like to believe that God sang creation into being with great joy!  Even the angels joined in for the chorus.  I believe that  music has the power to embrace our grief , releave our troubles and renew our joy.  It is our saving  grace.

All nature sings and around me rings the music of my past and my dreams for the future.

Let the heart speak and the soul receive and the voice sing.
Live by what you believe and always, always remember the good times and forget the times of trials and sadness.

We changed our plans yesterday first with a phone call from Vera that Howard was being moved.  Vera wanted a quiet time just to not talk to anyone.  This is a big adjustment and she will be forced to make some changes too.  Fortunately her one son who lives here is back from a little holiday.
P4010723Both dad and I went on long walks and his hip was hurting him when he got home.  I had two trips to the blood clinic (why is it at home I have trouble getting to the bathroom on time to pee  and when I have to pee in a bottle I cannot).
A little bit of color comes into our garden. 
When dad suggested we stay home and look after ourselves
 I realized the wisdom  in  that for each one of us and also to spend time together. 
DSCN4866 Even when at times we good-naturedly disagree.  
This is the stream my cane fell into.
 One of my favorite songs is: It Is Well With My Soul

When peace like a river, attended my way
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.

They will know that we are Christians by our love, especially for the street people and those on the poverty line.  We donate food, clothes especially underwear and big socks and toiletries and  even baby diapers,  now umbrellas so I think we may have things well covered.

But we may disagree on when to serve coffee at our meetings like first thing or in the middle. We may disagree with what money to give where and when but over all we laugh and support each other.  I was glad someone else gave me a flower arrangement to take to Jane and Geof because mine was laughable!



Sandra said...

Yes, something Shandel put up recently about taking care of your self struck a cord with me. Glad that you and dad decided to do just that. Where was howard moved to? Sandra

beth bennett said...

Howard was moved to the Kinsmen lodge across from the hospital. An older building which I believe is temporary. We will e-mail Vera today as she does not want a lot of phone calls right now.

I stayed and napped. Dad watched some golf and hockey and napped and we scraped by on left-overs.

I had computer problems again as you may have opened to a blank page! I am doing the best I can with this shrinking brain!
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, the big bang was as much a song as anything else.



Steady-as-rain said...

And no blank pages, so something is working!

nancy-Lou said...

All nature sings and around me rings the music of the spheres....hmmmm I think those are the words from the hymn,' This is My Fathers World'....your quote must have been inspired by them. Lovely words in your blog write such beautiful and inspiring words...I certainly agree, to me, music is 'the heart of the soul'. I heard that there are individual little hairs in our ears that respond to a different tone...each hair has one tone...amazing...only God could create such a marvelous body.

I think we all have shrinking brains at our age...OR I like to think that we have stored so much info in it over the years, that it just takes time to retrieve things. Maybe we could use " an external hard drive" to help us out!

Why don't they allow people to have coffee anytime during the meetings? Problem solved. Some people at our church help themselves to coffee when they arrive and drink it during the service. I thought it was disrespectful, for some strange reason and chastized myself for thinking that...but I would not do that...I would wait for the coffee party afterwards.

I am glad you decided to just stay home and look after your selves.We do that a lot!

We have daily high temps for the next week ALL ABOVE ZERO. Now that is time for a celebration.

Have a good day, looking after each other...we will do that too!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I have created about 40 playlists that are saved on my laptop, so i am listeniing to musci all day eveery day. Each one hasa different theme, so I choose the list depending on either my mood or the task at hand.
I am pleasantly surprised that Rick didn't quibble about how the angels couldn't have sung along with Gid when he was singing creation into existence because they didn't exist yet!
Each morning, I start with Cat Steven's "Morning Has Broken," even though morning ususally hasn't broken at the time I get up!

Now that our condo is sold, Carol and I are more seriously looking at differnet condos and town homes.


beth bennett said...

Good comments

nancy-Lou said...

ohh I do like Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens. It actually is a hymn in our hymn book. I was surprised to see it and when I played it the congregation were very receptive and sung beautifully. Cat Stevens ins a Muslim now.
Beth and Larry, have you seen that song in your church hymn book?

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Matthew has a birthday party at 6pm today . Melina may go out for dinner with Jasmine when he goes in . Its Alexandras birthday party tomorrow . AS I am on very early starts Sunday and Monday I may give the party a miss . Day light savings ends tonight here , just when i get up at 2am or 3am ?? Ken

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy we have that song in our hymn books. Our minister likes folksy songs.

Thank you for your e-mail.

Hope spring finally arrives there for you.

love beth

Ken what yucky shifts. Are you any busier with planes searching for the missing plane?

Glad the children missed the bug.

love mom

larry bennett said...

Ken - shift work is great - for three years in a row I had the misfortune to work the midnight shift when going from daylight saving - and starting when going to it - if that is right - anyway I always ended up working nine hours instead of eight - like I think you are doing tonight. hope you can get some quality sleep - even with all your cats - dog etc.