Friday, April 18, 2014


We could not imagine all the things that went wrong on Thursday.
First appointment the parking was free but there was no parking.  There were two buildings with the same address.  Which one?  Fortunately we choose the right one.

We enter the doctors office and two ladies are whisphering behind the counter and completely ignore us.  The doctor is puzzled by my symptons but will do some tests on the lungs and heart  and will see me with answers in July.

Dad had figured out a wonderful short cut to our next trip over to New West.  Well the word has gone out and we crawled along in the rain squeshed between big trucks but still thinking we had a change to get there in time.

We thought we were going to be early as the receptionist had said your appointment is for 2:45 be there by 3.  We were aiming for 2:45.  The sign said free parking but then said pay at the machine.  I think if you went into the stores your card would be validated.

Knowing we were running late and being very frustrated waiting for the elevator which did not come we decided to take the stairs only to find they came to a dead end which was locked.  Our fear was that we would now be locked in at the botton where we had come in.
Arrived late and appointment was rushed and unsatisfactory but I was able to answer memory questions so I am not senile yet.  The doctor was as young as my grandchildren and had only been in practice a few months.
He will do another M.R.I. on my head and neck and spine.  No one knows why I have a lack of balance.
Big traffic jam on the way home and as soon as you pick another lane that seems to be going faster it slows down and now you are in a slower lane.  A gig truck cuts in front on a turn from the bus lane and we were amazed where did he come ?  The driver in front of us swears at him and they almost collide.  Very glad to be home BUT both a little confused.

Dad thinks I am going downhill and I am thinking I am going up hill and maybe we have to realize I may never reach the top.  I have a very wonderful but confusing body.  Strong legs that fall easily? I imagine I am at the top of the hill and can do so much more than I really can do.

I cannot imagine a Good Friday and I am not in church!  There is always next year!

A shocking day of disbelief and darkness and fear.  Why it is called Good Friday I do not know.
The scoffers were there to watch the agony of his death while his faithful friends  fled.

His mother was there remembering the prophecy at his birth.  Yes the sword that pierced her heart was sharp and painful.
Hoping to see the sun today.


Anonymous said...

I think you may be looking for a cure for OLD! Tell me when you find it.

Hope you get some sunshine. Cold and windy here today .


Mama Lee said...

Well, your trip sounds like quite the gong show! However, we did finally get the sunshine & it's been beautiful most of the afternoon. We never made it to church either this morning - a first for us.
Hope you & Larry have a wonderful Easter weekend! Love, Lee

beth bennett said...

Thank you Lee. It has been a wonderful sunny day. Hope to see you Easter Sunday.
love beth

beth bennett said...

Yes Ken it does seem like old age has gotten us down and out. But I decided I would have everything checked out to make sure it is just old age.
Fighting tiredness is nothing new in my life but the lack of balance and falling is very unsettling.
I am thankful for my cane and all the joy of my family and friends and my faith give me.
We realize you children are also feeling the affects of getting older.
Dad and I had to laugh at our day when we got home even though it seemed like we had not accomplished much.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

What a stressful day you two had! I bet you were glad to get home and relax. We found the traffic in Vancouver really bad when travelling through. Did you have to go right downtown?
I am glad they are giving you an MRI, Beth they are so much better at diagnosis than a CT scan. I had one of my brain and it was an easy test...just very noisy with lots of clunking and clanking going on. No needles or awful drinks. I didn't have a brain father had a brain tumour and surgery and it was a type that can be hereditary.
We are lucky to have a hospital and doctors clinic in our nearest town which is only 25 minutes away. Free parking,and no rush hour traffic.

Love, Nancy